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Bem-vindo à Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Edição Número 39, para a semana de 29 de Abril a 5 de Maio de 2007. Nesta edição cobrimos a nova "Mobile and Embedded Initiative", o novo framework para mentores do Launchpad, e os Lo``Cos envolvidos em conferências e installfests.

Nesta Edição

  • Ubuntu lança Iniciativa Mobile e Embedded
  • Novo framework para mentores do Launchpad
  • Time Lo``Co de Nicarágua no FLISOL
  • Ubuntu Education Summit em Sevilha Concluído

Notícias Gerais da Comunidade

Ubuntu lança Iniciativa Mobile e Embedded

Ubuntu e Intel trabalharão em conjunto no novo projeto Ubuntu Mobile e Embedded. A Intel anunciou recentemente um novo processador e chipset de baixo consumo para dispositivos de Internet móveis. O projeto irá focar em atender os desafios técnicos da nova arquitetura Intel. O planejamento para o projeto será feito no Ubuntu Developer Summit e a primeira edição estará disponível em Outubro com o Gutsy Gibbon. Leia mais: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-May/000289.html

Ubuntu Education Summit em Sevilha Concluído

O primeiro Ubuntu Education Summit em Sevilha, antecedendo o Ubuntu Development Summit, foi concluído. Um dos grandes destaques foi Oliver Grawert, desenvolvedor líder do Edubuntu, colocando o Edubuntu em um Intel Classmate PC. Você pode ler mais no blog de Jonathan Carter em http://jonathancarter.co.za/ubuntu-education-summit-wrap-up ou na página wiki em https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UES-Sevilla.

Notícias LoCo

O Time Lo``Co da Nicarágua participou do maior evento de sotware livre/código aberto da América Latina, o FLISOL, Festival Latinoamericano de Instalação de Software Livre 2007, realizado no dia 28 de Abril simultaneamente em 17 países e 160 cidades da América Latina. A Universidade de Managua em León (Ude``M) anunciou planos para a migração de 400 computadores de Windows para Ubuntu com o auxílio do Lo``Co Time da Nicarágua. Datatex, um dos três maiores fornecedores de PC da Nicarágua, está explorando a possibilidade de vender computadores com o Ubuntu pré-instalado, e o Time Ubuntu-ni provendo treinamento e suporte local. Para maiores detalhes: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/loco-contacts/2007-May/001308.html

O Time do Noroeste do Pacífico montou uma barraca na Linuxfest do Noroeste em Bellingham, Washington, EUA, nos dias 28 e 29 de Abril. O Ubuntu atraiu muito interesse quando o time distribuiu mais de 150 CDs do feisty na primeira hora, e mais de 450 CDs do Dapper/Feisty Edubuntu, Kubuntu, Ubuntu e Xubuntu durante os dois dias do evento. Para maiores detalhes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PNWTeam/projects/lfnw2007

Karim Fayez anunciou o lançamento do time Lo``Co do Egito. Apesar dos detalhes (e listas de discussão) ainda estarem em andamento, você pode ler mais e acompnahar as notícias em https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EgyptTeam.

O time Lo``Co de Bangladesh foi aprovado recentemente.

Notícias de Desenvolvimento

The stable release update procedure (SRU) has changed slightly as announced by Martin Pitt. Mostly the changes are to do with the naming of the updates, as ~proposed1 is no longer any required. You can read more at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/SRU.

DaD, a replacement for the Merge 'o Matic, or MoM, has been announced, to help the MOTUs with merges from Debian. You can see DaD at work at http://adrishost.homeip.net/DaD/merges/ or read more at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2007-May/023596.html

Launchpad News

Mentoring - a new feature to help train new community members - is the big news from the Launchpad team this week. Launchpad's new mentoring framework gives you the tools to:

  • Offer to mentor people who want to fix a bug or implement a blueprint.
  • Provide a list of items that are relevant to your project and for which mentorship is available.
  • Provide a list of items that would be a good starting point for someone who wants to join one of your teams.
  • See what mentorship offers individuals are currently making.

Mentorship requires no admin as it's entirely based on commitments made by individual team members. It's also available even if you use a bug tracker other than Launchpad. You can find out more at: https://help.launchpad.net/MentoringManagement

The Launchpad team has also made three code release recently. Highlights include:

  • Launchpad 1.0 is now out of beta.
  • Bug tracker: bug comments are now included in searches and you can mark bugs as duplicates via the email interface.
  • Code hosting: external branches are now mirrored every six hours.
  • Translations: a bug that reset the "needs review" flag has been fixed.
  • Answer Tracker: you can now easily see all support requests made in languages for which your project has no support contacts.

As ever, we'd love to have you in the Launchpad Beta Testers team. Sign up today at https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-beta-testers/+members.

Read more in the full release notes: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/launchpad-users/2007-May/001392.html.

Na Imprensa

  • Canonical and Dell have announced a partnership to offer Ubuntu 7.04 preinstalled on select desktops and notebooks. Mark Shuttleworth is excited by the extraordinary number of requests made by Ubuntu users on the Dell Idea``Storm and a large corporation like Dell responding to those needs. Mark talks about how Canonical and Dell have been eyeing each other for some time and the results of the Idea``Storm showed critical mass had been reached to take the next step. Responding to why the Linux community acted so quickly to Idea``Storm, Mark says that while Linux users are vocal and want to be recognized, there is a commercial appeal for users to have Linux pre-installed so they can side-step the process of installing and configuring computers themselves. Read the full article: http://direct2dell.com/one2one/archive/2007/05/01/13147.aspx
  • Mark Joseph Edwards at Windows IT Pro enjoys the ease of upgrading his Kubuntu install to 7.04. Mark talks about the process of upgrading using the Adept Manager which took him an hour, mostly waiting for the packages to be installed. He mentions that Ubuntu has had the equivalent of Vista's User Access Control with 'sudo' for some time and how support costs can be minimized if a user learns how to search or ask questions online. Read the full article: http://www.windowsitpro.com/Articles/ArticleID/95957/95957.html?Ad=1
  • Todd Bishop, at the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, writes about the increasing popularity of Ubuntu and Dell's announcement to preinstall it on machines. Todd talks to Paul Bartell, an eighth-grader who is a member of the PWN Team. Paul became interested in trying Ubuntu when he saw a friend's dad using it. Rob Helm, Directions on Microsoft research director, says he has run Ubuntu for a year on his home computer. Rod believes major open source applications are mature enough to be Windows alternatives and that he uses Open``Office at home for word processing and spreadsheets. Read the full article: http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/business/314124_dellfolo03.html
  • News.com.com is reporting about Canonical's partnership with Zimbra, the open source company that produces a calendar and email server. The deal was spurred due to customer demand according to Zimbra Chief Executive Satish Dharmaraj. The deal calls for Zimbra to release their server software in Ubuntu packaging (.deb), along with Red Hat and SUSE's rpm, making installation on Ubuntu easy. The articles also quotes Shuttleworth as having a preference for small open source companies to partner with, due to their innovative tendencies and knowledge working with open source software, unlike big software companies such as Oracle. Read the full article: http://news.com.com/Zimbra+to+offer+Ubuntu+Linux+support/2100-7344_3-6181361.html
  • Ben Du``Pont, at Network Computing, talks about how companies can purchase support from Red Hat, Novell, and Canonical. In his tests, Ben found "companies without hard-core Linux pros can get out from under high mandatory support fees by adopting Ubuntu." Though there are also many third-party consultants who can support distributions on a per-incident basis which can keep costs down, companies with critical systems or needing strong ISV support should stay with Canonical and similar competitors. Ben states that "not only has Ubuntu raised the bar in terms of usability and cleanness in a desktop system, it's also contributed a lot to the open-source community, which benefits everyone." Read the full article: http://www.networkcomputing.com/article/printFullArticle.jhtml?articleID=197009107
  • Peter Galli, in eWeek, says that Dell will not include Wine in its preinstalled computers. Mark Shuttleworth is quoted as saying "while Linux is an alternative to Windows, it is not cheap Windows. Linux has its own strengths, and users should want it because of those strengths and not because it's a cheap copy of Windows." Asked if Dell should offer dual-boot computers running Ubuntu and Windows, Mark says it is not possible because of existing contractual agreements. Mark also says the Dell partnership was initiated by Dell, and that Canonical would provide software support while Dell would make sure there are no hardware compatibility issues. While Microsoft claims its application community is stronger when compared to Linux, Mark points out that "in many cases there is a bigger portfolio of high-quality free software applications than of proprietary ones." Companies like Google, Sales``Force, and Face``Book would not have been possible without OSS like Linux and Apache. Read the full article: http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1895,2125848,00.asp
  • Sean Michael Kerner, at internetnews.com, wonders if Linux has arrived on the desktop for the mainstream consumer and why. While other distributions like Mandriva, Red Hat, and Turbo``Linux have all been available in the retail store, "Ubuntu, on the other hand, is known for giving away free CDs of its Linux distribution to anyone that will take it." Ubuntu has pushed marketing and PR, even "[Mark] Shuttleworth will speak with anyone who will listen and is likely one of the most engaged and quoted Linux leaders in the marketplace today. Contrast that with Novell/SUSE. You'd be hard pressed to even name the current leader of their Linux efforts." Read the full article: http://www.internetnews.com/reporters_notebook/article.php/3675801
  • James R. Hood, at Consumer``Affairs.com, asks if Ubuntu is too good to be true. James says Ubuntu "is fast, lean and responsive, like a sleek jungle cat prowling through the South Africa outback." To test Ubuntu, James installs 7.04 on a recently purchased computer and an old machine. On the new computer, Ubuntu is much more responsive compared to XP. The older machine, which would not boot properly because of limited RAM and available hard drive space, works well running Ubuntu. James says "this is not just a good thing, it's a very good thing, for the environment, for cash-strapped families and down-at-the-heels organizations." Read the full article: http://www.consumeraffairs.com/news04/2007/05/ubuntu_review.html

Na Blogosfera

  • Mike Wojciechowski, at taberis.livejournal.com, talks about installing Ubuntu 7.04. He discusses some of the history of open source software and Linux. Mike thinks "software installation in Ubuntu is a breeze" compared to finding and installing third-party applications for Windows and Mac OS. The installation process is pleasant since "you have a fully-functioning desktop during the install, allowing for web browsing and the like while you wait." Read more at: http://taberis.livejournal.com/265705.html
  • Andrew Kantor, at Drive``By Software, thinks "Linux is an incredibly powerful operating system" and has "a huge base of developers who are coming up with new features, new software, and better ways to do things." Andrew believes that Windows has no comparable feature to Kubuntu's Adept and Windows/Mac users would enjoy his favorite Linux feature, multiple desktops, but the plethora of available applications can be intimidating for new users. He feels that Linux is a viable desktop option if a user wants "freedom from just about any virus, and the potential to tinker to your heart's content." Read more at: http://vierranet.blogspot.com/2007/05/dont-be-afraid-linux-isnt-just-for.html

Encontros e Eventos

Domingo, 6 de Maio de 2007

Summit de Desenvolvedores Ubuntu

Segunda, 7 de Maio de 2007

Summit de Desenvolvedores Ubuntu

Terça, 8 de Maio de 2007

Summit de Desenvolvedores Ubuntu
Encontro da Comissão Técnica

Quarta, 9 de Maio de 2007

Summit de Desenvolvedores Ubuntu
Encontro Edubuntu

Quinta, 10 de Maio de 2007

Summit de Desenvolvedores Ubuntu
Encontro do Time de Desenvolvedores Ubuntu
  • Início: 20:00
  • Fim: 22:00
  • Local: canal IRC #ubuntu-meeting

Sexta, 11 de Maio de 2007

Summit de Desenvolvedores Ubuntu

Atualizações e segurança para 6.06, 6.10 e 7.04

Atualizações de Segurança

Atualizações para o Ubuntu 6.06 LTS

Atualizações para o Ubuntu 6.10

Atualizações para o Ubuntu 7.04

Estatísticas de Bugs

        • Abertos (29887) +981 # over last week
        • Críticos (23) +1 # over last week
        • Não Confirmados (14915) +826 # over last week
        • Não Atribuídos (22488) +938 # over last week
        • Todos bugs já relatados (99149) +1854 # over last week

Como sempre, o Bug Squad precisa de mais ajuda. Se você quer começar a ajudar, por favor consulte https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs

Veja as estatísticas de bugs: http://people.ubuntu-in.org/~carthik/bugstats/

Arquivo e Fonte RSS

Você sempre pode encontrar edições passadas da Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter em: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter

Você pode inscrever-se na Ubuntu Weekly News via RSS em: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/uwn/feed

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A Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter é trazida a você por:

  • Martin Albisetti
  • Nick Ali
  • E muitos outros


Você pode inscrever-se na fonte UWN em: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/uwn/feed


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