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This page has small little "quick" tips to modify your ubuntu installation. 这一页改善你安装的ubuntu的一些小技巧.

  • Tip #1 Hide Recent Documents

技巧 #1 如何隐藏最近的文档

  • ==== What ====
  • Places --> Recent Documents lists all the recently opened documents. If you wish to disable it, you need to do the following:



  • Open a terminal and type:
chmod 400 ~/.recently-used

打开一个终端然后输入 chmod 400 ~/.recently-used


  • If you have already disabled it, you can reenable Recent Documents by opening a terminal and typing:
chmod 600 ~/.recently-used

如果你已经关闭了它,可以打开一个终端然后输入 chmod 600 ~/.recently-used 来重新打开这项功能.

  • Tip # 2 Change Gnome Foot to Ubuntu Logo on Panel


  • Older versions of Ubuntu (before 5.10 Breezy Badger) came with the Gnome foot on the Applications menu. If you want you can change it to look like this:
  • 老版本的Ubuntu(5.10 Breezy Badger之前的版本)的菜单栏旁边的logo是Gnome脚丫子,如果你想的话你可以把它换成下面的样子.

attachment:App-button.png .

  • Of course, you can also use these steps to put any image you want in that space - just create or find an image that suits you, and follow the steps below to put it in place.
  • 当然你可以依照这种方法把那个logo换成任何你想要的--只要做或找一幅适合你的图片然后依照下面的步骤把它放在合适的地方.

Copy image to your PC

把图片复制到你的电脑上 .

All you need to do is right click on one image below, select Save image as.. to a location you can remember and have permission to.

  • 你所要做的只是右击下面的一幅图片,选择 另存为 ,把它保存到你可以记住而且有写入权限的地方
attachment:Gnome-logo-icon-transparent.png attachment:UbuntuI.png

From Command line

Now all you have to do is run the following commands: .

cd /usr/share/pixmaps/
sudo mv gnome-logo-icon-transparent.png gnome-logo-icon-transparent.bak
sudo mv /[path]/[image].png ./gnome-logo-icon-transparent.png
  • 现在你所要做的只是运行以下命:
cd /usr/share/pixmaps/
sudo mv gnome-logo-icon-transparent.png gnome-logo-icon-transparent.bak
sudo mv /[path]/[image].png ./gnome-logo-icon-transparent.png
  • . replace [path] where you downloaded the image & [image] with the name of the icon. You need to restart Gnome, logout then hit Ctrl+Alt+Backspace or via sudo killall gnome-panel
  • 把[path]换成你保存图片的地方,[image]换成图片的名字.你必须重启Gnome,登出然后按 Ctrl+Alt+Backspace 或者运行 sudo killall gnome-panel
  • {i} This also changes the icon of System->ABOUT GNOME
  • {i} 这种方法同时也换掉了 系统->关于Gnome的图标.

  • Tip #3 Keychain - Manage ssh keys

技巧 #3 密钥环 -管理ssh密钥


  • Instead of constantly starting up ssh-agent and ssh-add, it is possible to use "keychain" to manage your ssh keys.
  • 你可以不用不断地运行ssh-agent和ssh-add,可以使用"keychain"来管理你的ssh密钥

Command Line

sudo apt-get install keychain


sudo apt-get install keychain

Edit File


. You then should add the following lines to your ${HOME}/.bashrc or /etc/bash.bashrc:

keychain id_rsa id_dsa
** ~/.keychain/`uname -n`-sh
  • 然后你需要向 ${HOME}/.bashrc or /etc/bash.bashrc 中添加以下几行:
keychain id_rsa id_dsa
** ~/.keychain/`uname -n`-sh

Tip #4 Check for and fix filesystem errors on boot

技巧 #4 启动时检测和修复文件系统错误


This little tip turns on filesystem check to run at boot. It will check for and fix errors (similar to windows chkdisk) but at the same time increase your boot time. 这个小技巧用来打开启动时的文件系统检测.它检测和修复错误(类似于windows的chkdisk)的同时也增加了系统启动时间

Edit File

  • Open /etc/default/rcS with your text editor of choice (root permissions needed) and change this line:
  • 用你喜欢的文本编辑器打开 /etc/default/rcS (需要root权限),然后改变下面这一行

to 为


  • Tip #5 Some Gnome & Nautilus Tricks

技巧 #5 一些Gnome和Nautilus的小决窍


关于 Gnome and its file manager, Nautilus, have some interesting, useful but hard to discover tricks built in. Among them:



Dragging a file with middle mouse button will show a menu upon release, allowing you to select among "move", "copy", "link to" and "cancel". Similar to right-mouse drag in Windows.

用鼠标中键拖拽一个文件松开时会显示一个菜单,你可以选择"移动到此处" "复制到此处" "在此处创建链结"和"取消",这和在windows下用鼠标右键拖拽差不多 * Alt-left drag in any window will let you move that window, without having to hunt for the title bar. Just click anywhere in a window while the Alt key is pressed, and you can move the window.

  • 在任何窗口按住Alt键的同时用鼠标左键拖拽会移动那个窗口,而不必寻找标题栏.只要按住Alt键同时在窗口内任何地方拖拽,就可以移动那个窗口
  • Alt-middle drag allows you to resize a window without having to hunt for the edges of the window. Neat.
  • Alt+鼠标中键拖拽可以改变窗口大小,不需要再寻找窗口的边缘.省时而高效.
  • Alt-right click anywhere in the window will bring up the window menu (the one that is usually located by pressing on the top left corner of the title bar).
  • 按住Alt同时点击鼠标右键会弹出窗口菜单.其实按Alt+空格也可以(我加的,原文没有)
  • Double-clicking on the title bar will expand a window to full-screen.
  • 双击菜单栏可以使一个窗口最大化
    • This behaviour can be modified in System menu --> Preferences --> Windows. Look for the "Titlebar Action" section - the "roll up when double-clicked" version can be very useful to manage the palettes and toolbars of applications like the GIMP, Inkscape or Scribus
  • 这个行为可以在 系统-->首选项-->窗口 定制,另一种行为"卷起"在管理一些像GIMP,Inkspace或Scribus这类应用程序的调色板和工具栏时非常有用
  • To add an item to your Places menu, as well as to the Nautilus Places sidebar in Nautilus, navigate to that location in Nautilus, and choose Bookmarks>Add Bookmark.
  • 如果想向"位置"菜单和Nautilus的侧边栏里加入新的位置,只要在Nautilus里导航到那个位置,然后选择 书签->添加书签