Use this if you have multiple partitions and operating systems on your computer and want to change the default operating system that will boot up when you turn on your computer.
- Copy each line into the terminal and press enter.
- 在终端中运行以下命令:
sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst /boot/grub/menu.lst_backup sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst
- Find this line in the document that was just opened
... default 0 ...
在 打开的 文件中找到....default 0...这一行
- Replace the 0 with the number on the startup list that is the option you want, remembering to start counting from 0. For example, if you have a list like this one and want to change to Windows XP:
- 然后根据您的 需要 设置default之后的 数字,这个数字从0开始。例如:如果您的启动列表如下所示,并且您 想更改默认启动的操作系统为 Windows XP
- Ubuntu
Ubuntu Recovery
Ubuntu Kernel
Windows XP Home would change the number to 3.
...那么您需要设置default后的 数字为3。
- Save the edited file
- 保存设置好的文件
- You can also change the number of seconds the menu waits before booting to the default operating sytem by changing the number in this line:
- 您还可以依照一下的方式更改默认启动系统时等待的时间
- .
... timeout 3 ...
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