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please keep the 'Q[space]' at the start of each Q (same with A for answers), it's needed in the layout of the page. - Ronnie



Feel free to edit the questions to remove excess text - Ronnie



Q I have GRUB installed on my first hard drive so that it will boot into a LINUX splash screen with a list of what GRUB thinks are bootable systems. How do I get into this part of the boot process to change a broken link to one that works? I have an entry that brings me to a WIN XP boot list and can get to the working XP system on the third hard drive.

問:我在第一塊硬盤上已安裝GRUB,GRUB可以引導進入Linux歡迎界面,在這上面列出的是GRUB認為可以啟動的系統。我如何進入啟動過程這部分,改變某個失效的項目讓它恢復正常呢?我有一個選項是指向WIN XP啟動菜單,通過它我就可以啟動位於第三塊硬盤上的XP操作系統。

問:我在第一個硬碟上已安裝了GRUB,它可以引導進入Linux歡迎界面,在這上面列出的是經GRUB認可之開機系統。我要如何進到開機程序,好更改某中斷的連結,使其恢復正常呢?有個選項,可以讓我到WIN XP開機選單,並且藉由它,我能啟動位於第三個硬碟的XP操作系統。

A First you should try the tutorial here to get back into ubuntu:


Then you need to edit your menu.lst, you can do this using the following command:

gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst

Scroll down to the bottom and (carefully) delete any broken entries, or entries that you no longer want.

A 首先,你可以回到Ubuntu中,看看這裡的教程:



gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst


A 首先,你可以回到Ubuntu,檢閱這裡的教學課程:



gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst 向下捲動至底部,並 (小心仔細地) 刪除任何毀損、或你不再想要的部分。

Q From time to time since switching from Hardy to Intrepid, I've noticed the process gvfsd-http using a lot of memory, more than Firefox at times. What exactly is it? And can I safely kill it? I haven't noticed any bad results from doing so before.

Q 自從把系統從Hardy(8.04)升級成Intrepid(8.10)後,我多次發現進程gvfsd-http使用許多內存,有時比Firefox更多。這是否有問題?我可以安全地殺掉該進程嗎?在這之前,我沒有發現這樣做有什麼不良後果。

Q 自從把系統從Hardy(8.04)升級成Intrepid(8.10)後,我多次發現gvfsd-http程序佔用了許多記憶體,有時甚至比Firefox還多。這是否有問題呢?我可以安全刪除該程序無虞嗎?在這之前,我沒有發現這樣做,會導致什麼不良後果。

A gvfs stands for Gnome Virtual File System, which controls file operations. So it is probably better not to kill it unless you absolutely have to. It seems that downloads get temporarily stored in memory, so that is probably the problem.

A gvfs是Gnome虛擬文件系統的縮寫,它用來控制文件操作。因此除非你覺得絕對有必要,否則最好不要殺掉它。它好像會把下載的臨時文件存儲在內存中,也許這就是問題所在。

A gvfs是Gnome虛擬檔案系統的縮寫,它的功能是控制檔案操作。因此,除非真有必要,否則你最好不要刪除它。它好像會把下載的臨時檔案,儲存在記憶體裡,也許這就是問題所在。

Q I have heard that it is not necessary to zero the hard drive first, and I've also heard that it is better to do that. I've read that if I do:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1024

it will wipe my whole hard drive. Will it still be usable after I do this? Will I will be able to add partitions and reinstall the OS?

Q 我聽說硬盤寫0操作不是必須的,而也聽說過最好進行這一步操作。我從某處讀到,如果做以下操作:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1024


Q 我曾聽人說,不一定要先清空硬碟,但也有耳聞,最好執行此一程序。我曾從某處讀到,如果從事以下之操作:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1024 它會清空我整個硬碟。在做完這一個動作後,硬碟是否仍舊可用?我還能分割出新的硬碟,重新安裝操作系統嗎?

A It shouldn't destroy your hard drive, and should have no ill effects. However, it is useless if all you are doing is reinstalling Ubuntu, since most of what is on the hard drive is wiped anyway.

A 它應該不會弄壞你的硬盤,應該說也沒有什麼壞的影響。然而,如果你是為了重裝Ubnuntu才這樣做,那我只能說沒啥用處,因為硬盤上的大多數數據都會被擦除 。

A 這麼做,應該不會弄壞你的硬碟。或者說,這也沒有什麼不好的影響。但如果你是為了重新安裝Ubnuntu,才這樣做,我只能告訴你,這是畫蛇添足。因為硬碟上大多數原有的檔案,之後也是會被刪除的 。