模板:USJ Customize NewUser
Adding new SSH users
- Add a new user and change the password for that user (optional):
sudo useradd -m myownuserID sudo passwd myownuserpw
- Login using the new user ID to complete the installation.
- Create an SSH keypair for automated login by the new user:
- Generate a key pair (by default, a 2048-bit RSA key pair is created):
- Accept the default location for the key file ( /home/myownuserID/.ssh/id_rsa ).
- Leave the passphrase empty
- Make sure that a file named authorized_keys (with write privileges) is in the /home/myownuserID/.ssh folder. If not, create such a file (using the "touch" command to create an empty file) after logging into the server as myownuserID:
cd ~/.ssh touch authorized_keys
- Alternatively, you can copy the original authorized_keys file from the /etc/jauntyadmin00/.ssh folder (as long as it has been revised and is not the original insecure authorized_keys file distributed with the system). This is useful if you wish to keep both the jauntyadmin00 and myownuserID users.
sudo cp /home/jauntyadmin00/.ssh/authorized_keys /home/myownuserID/.ssh/authorized_keys sudo chown -R myownuserID /home/myownuserID
- Concatenate the newly-generated id_rsa.pub key to the authorized_keys file:
cd ~/.ssh cat authorized_keys id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys
Inactivate old users
- Inactivate old users (this is easiest from the GUI desktop once installation has been completed):
- Menu -> System -> User Manager -> highlight userID -> Account disabled (ticked)
- If you merely wish to exclude a user from appearing on the Login screen:
- Menu -> System -> System Settings -> Advanced -> Login Manager -> Users -> tick the users to exclude from the Login screen
Change hostname (optional)
- Hostname: Jaunty32Server00
- Discover the current hostname and the Fully Qualified Domain Name:
hostname hostname --fqdn
- I don't recommend changing the hostname, but it can be changed by editing the /etc/hostname file and the /etc/hosts file
sudo gedit /etc/hostname sudo gedit /etc/hosts
It is not necessary for security reasons to change your hostname, and it is not recommended especially if you have already been using the system for a while (as the hostname can be used in several configuration files other than the two noted).