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What is projectM?

ProjectM is the reimplementation of the MilkDrop using the OpenGL library. In short, projectM is a very good music visualization software that can use the already very proper MilkDrop visualization scripts. Thankfully, ProjectM can work with many popular music players and is in the Ubunut repositories.


From the Ubuntu Repository

ProjectM is in the Ubuntu repository so to install projectm just search for it in add/remove programs or install it with the command

sudo apt-get install libvisual-projectm

Working with Different Music Players


By installing from the package it should work out of the box! Just restart Amarok then go to Tools > Visualizations > ProjectM.


projectM uses different keys to navigate the interface. Below is a table of the different keys do, but to get this table in the interface press f1.

m brings up a menu
f toggles fullscreen on/off
l "locks" to a particular preset
y toggles shuffle mode
n next preset
p previous preset
r selects random preset
F1 Help menu
F2 Toggles song title on/off (doesn't work in libvisual or pulseaudio as far as I can tell)
F3 Toggle preset name on/off
F4 Toggle rendering info on/off
F5 Shows fps

Installing new presets

You can install new presets that are milkdrop compatible. Not all work, but a good amount do. To find them you can go to the MilkDrop Forums to download them and then place the .milk file in /usr/share/projectM/presets directory.