模板:OpenVistA Server functions


VistA Server functions

The VistA server functions are generally configured from a text interface. The VistA server is very flexible and powerful, and therefore can seem complex to customize and daunting for new users.

Accessing the interface is possible in several ways:

  • Use the VistA Server Admin (text9260) (or VistA Server Text Client) commands / menu items / shortcuts (with or without SSH).
  • Log into VistA Commander using the command / menu item / shortcut.
  • Log directly into the server using the provided Linux login (openvistaEHR) and open a Terminal. This automatically loads the VistA Commander interface. (On Astronaut systems, the default initial password is vista!123 unless it has been changed by the user at installation.)
  • Use the Text Client and VistA Config menu items / shortcuts in the Astronaut Client menu (Windows systems only).

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