


Introduction 简介

The xfce-utils package provides a taskbar, the about dialog for XFce 4, a run dialog and several useful scripts that are also used by other XFce 4 components such as the panel and the desktop menu. xfce-utils 安装包包含了XFce 4的任务栏程序,“关于”及“运行”对话框以及一些与其他XFce 4组件(如面板和桌面菜单)共用的实用脚本。

Taskbar 任务栏

The taskbar shows all running programs. The behaviour of the taskbar can be changed from the settings manager. Run xfce-setting-show taskbar, or start the settings manager from the panel. 任务栏显示所有运行中的程序。任务栏的行为可以用设置管理器来改变。运行xfce-setting-show taskbar或者从面板来启动设置管理器。



From the settings dialog, your can select the taskbar position, either at the top or at the bottom of the screen. You can set the height and width of the taskbar using the two sliders, and select a left, centered or right alignment, if the width of the taskbar is smaller than your screen. Another option allows you to use the "Auto hide" feature. 通过设置对话框,你可以选择任务栏在屏幕的顶端还是底端。你可以通过两个滑块设定任务栏的高度和宽度,如果任务栏没有展满屏幕,你可以选择它是居左、居中还是居右。还有一个选项,允许你使用“自动隐藏”特性。

The "Tasks" options allow you to customize the behaviour of the taskbar regarding the management of the opened applications. You can choose to show the tasks from all workspaces or only the current one, to always group tasks or only group tasks when the taskbar gets crowded, and to show applications names or only their icons. “任务”选项组,允许你定制任务栏如何去管理打开的应用程序。你可以选择让任务栏显示在所有的工作区还是只有当前工作区;是总将任务分组还是当任务栏满时分组;显示应用程序名还是只显示图标。

In addition to the tasklist, the taskbar also features a simple graphical pager and a notification area (also known as the system tray). Both can be disabled from the settings dialog. 除了任务列表,任务栏还提供了图形页面切换器和一个通知区域(常说的系统托盘)。这两项都可以通过设置对话框将其禁用。




The run dialog allows the user to launch applications. Applications can be run in a Terminal emulator (xterm by default, see xfterm4 script below). In a default Xfce 4 environment, the Alt+F2 key combination will open the run dialog. 运行对话框允许用户启动应用程序。应用程序能在虚拟终端运行(默认的虚拟终端是xterm,请参考下面介绍的xfterm4脚本)。在默认的XFce4环境中,可使用Alt+F2组合键打开运行对话框。

About Dialog 关于对话框

图 3. About dialog 关于对话框


The About Dialog is used to display information about XFce 4, including a list of components, a credits page for all people who helped to create XFce 4 and license information. 关于对话框用于显示XFce4的一些信息,包括组件列表,一个记载了所有帮助过XFce4发展的人员的光荣榜以及许可证信息。

Scripts 脚本

startxfce4 '

The startxfce4 is a convenient script to start an XFce 4 session from the console. It will give you a session with a taskbar and a panel and with the desktop manager and window manager running. starxfce4是一个能方便地从控制台启动XFce4会话的脚本。它可启动一个包括任务栏、面板、桌面管理器及窗口管理器的会话。

All programs, or symbolic links to programs, in ~/Desktop/Autostart/ will be run by startxfce4 on startup. 在~/Desktop/Autostart/目录下的程序以及程序的符号链接都将会随着startxfce4一起运行。

To customize the behaviour of startxfce4, copy the file ${sysconfdir}/xfce4/xinitrc to your personal ~/.config/xfce4/ directory and edit that file. If you install from source, ${sysconfdir} defaults to /usr/local/etc; for binary packages it is often set to /etc. 要想自定义startxfce4的动作,可以拷贝${sysconfdir}/xfce4/xinitrc文件到你自己的~/.config/xfce4/目录中,并且编辑它。如果你是从源代码安装的XFce4,${sysconfdir}默认指向的是 /usr/local/etc;而用二进制包安装的话,一般会是/etc。

With the inclusion of a session manager in Xfce 4.2, the preferred way to change startup behaviour is by using the "Save session" option in the logout dialog. 在Xfce 4.2中,推荐的改变启动行为的方法是在退出登录对话框中选择“保存会话”。


This script is used to open the local Xfce 4 documentation in a browser. By default it will try a number of well-known browsers, like firefox, galeon or konqueror, but you can change that by setting the $BROWSER environmental variable. For instance in your ~/.bash_profile put the following line: 这个脚本的是用于在浏览器中打开本机的XFce4文档的。默认情况下,他会尝试打开一些有名的浏览器,如firefox、galeon 或者是konqueror,你可以通过修改环境变量$BROWSER来改变这个设置。比如添加下面这行代码到你的~/.bash_profile文件中:

export BROWSER="galeon -w"

You will need to log out of your shell and log back in to make this work. 你需要退出的你的shell并且重新登陆到shell来使这行代码生效。

If there is documentation installed in the language of your current locale, xfhelp4 will open that instead of the default English documentation. 如果机器安装了你的当地语言的文档,xfhelp4将会显示你的当地语言的文档,而不是默认的英文文档。


This script is used by the panel to lock the screen using xscreensaver if available and falling back to xlock. 如果xscreensaver存在的话,面板通过这个脚本用xscreensaver来锁定屏幕,没有的话用xlock来锁定屏幕。


xfmountdev4 /dev/mountpoint will mount the given mountpoint and open xffm in that location. When you close the xffm window the filesystem will be unmounted. Note that you can use xffstab4 provided with xffm for the same purpose. xfmountdev4 /dev/mountpoint脚本将挂载指定的挂载点,并在那个位置打开xffm。当你关闭xffm窗口后,挂载的文件系统将被卸载。注意,你可以使用xffstab4实现相同的功能。


This is a convenient terminal script. It uses the $TERMCMD environmental variable as terminal command if available and falls back to using xterm. Especially useful in the panel where you can drag file or directories to it that will be viewed by the appropriate console application (less for text files, lynx for html). 这是个方便的终端脚本。它使用$TERMCMD环境变量做为终端命令,如果不存在他将启动xterm。尤其是当你拖曳一个文件或目录到一个面板的时候,他将会用适当的控制台应用程序察看(用less看文本文件,lynx看html文件)。


xfce-utils是由 Jasper Huijsmans, Olivier FourdanBenedikt Meurer编写的。要获得更多信息,请访问 XFce网站.


如果你对本软件包的使用或者安装有疑问,请在 xfce邮件列表中询问。在 xfce4-dev邮件列表讨论关于开发的问题。

This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.