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2007年5月31日 (四) 09:29的最新版本






贡献者: RedCode、Hex、debian、deman、baturu



This guide is for setting up USB ADSL modems under Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake).

本指南将会讲解如何在Ubuntu6.06(Dapper Drake)下面安装设置使用USB接口的宽带调制解调器(即通常所说的USB猫,以下也简称USB猫)。

1 Intro (简要说明)

USB is far from the ideal medium for network access, there are so many problems using USB modems compared using ethernet based solutions that some claim that USB could stand for Un Suitable for Broadband.

If you have a modem that can connect both via USB and ethernet, you should use the ethernet connection. If you can get your hands on an ethernet modem or a router you will save yourself some trouble.

It is possible however to get USB ADSL modems to work with Ubuntu, athough getting some models to work can be quite demanding. By following this guide you should be able to get most common USB ADSL modems working, but some still have slight problems and others do not currently work at all.

Often parts of ADSL USB modem drivers are propriatary, closed source software, with a restrictive licence, and so the whole driver cannot be supplied with Ubuntu. To get a modem to work with these drivers, you will need to download files from Internet with a computer having a working connection, then transfer the downloaded files to you Ubuntu installation.





1.1 Why USB modems are not ideal(为什么USB猫不是最理想的选择?)

For those it would surprise that getting a simple modem to work can be so complicated, we will try to explain why most USB ADSL modems don't work out of the box with Ubuntu. If you want to start installing your modem straight away, you can jump to the next section.

a. Ubuntu and probably all other Linux based operating systems assume that the network connection runs over an ethernet card (or other standard network card) in the computer. This is based on very old, tried and tested, standards based technology, which tends to be very reliable and easy to set up. Most home computers and business PC's have an ethernet card, as one is usualy supplied on the motherboard nowadays, otherwise one can easily be picked up and installed very cheaply. An ethernet port is an allmost universal way to provide network access, and apart from the advent of wifi, has been for decades.

b. When you choose an Interner provider, normally you also get the hardware to set up the internet connection. Half the time you will get an ethernet modem, and maybe even an ethernet card, in the other cases (often the more economic contracts) you get an USB ADSL modem. Most of the time the driver needed for the USB modem is supplied by the manufacturer, and only available for certain specific versions of MS Windows.

c. All hardware that you connect with your PC through USB needs hardware-specific driver software. The driver is usualy proprietary closed source software, with a licence legally protecting it from being used in any way the manufacturer does not see fit. This usually prevents anyone from inspecting the driver to see how it works, or from adapting the driver to work on another system. In Ubuntu, drivers that are freely licensed are usually included in the standard installation (e.g. the Alcatel speedtouch USB modem driver). However, the drivers for many USB ADSL modems cannot legally be included (e.g. modems with a 'Conexant AccessRunner' chipset, whose driver is 'commercial' and restrictively licensed).

To get a USB ADSL modem working, two things need to be achieved:

  • Linux must be extended with software to control the modem, you need to install and setup software called drivers.
  • The ethernet 'talk' of Linux needs to be bridged to the modem and its connection to the network


缘由a 因为以太网接口实在是太常见了。

  • 对于几乎是所有基于Linux系统(包括Ubuntu)的操作系统来说,它们都是以常见的以太网适配器为基础来运行来提供网络连接服务的。而这样一个基础虽然老旧但却相当的稳定可靠。建立在其基础之上的网络服务及应用也是非常的简单。同时,绝大部分家用及商用计算机都具备以太网适配器,而到了现在更是几乎所有的主板都会集成以太网适配器,因此对于以太网适配器的获得已经变得非常容易。此外,无论是常见的有线网络连接还是新兴的Wifi(无线网络连接)都是使用以太网接口来提供网络访问服务。从某种意义上来说,它已经变成了一个通用网络接口。

缘由b 相对那些使用以太网接口的猫而言,为USB猫寻找合适的驱动将会是一件很麻烦的事情。

  • 网络服务提供商(比如电信、网通等)通常都会提供网络设备比如宽带调制解调器 (即猫)给您,一旦您确定使用哪家公司的服务,同时确定的也就是您所使用的设备类型。大部分情况下提供的都是基于以太网接口的调制解调器(即常见的宽带猫),也有一部分提供的是以太网适配器(即常见的网卡),而剩下来的就是USB猫,但这往往发生在经济发达的地区。如果您获得的是USB猫,那么绝大部分情况下您都需要从该USB猫的生产厂家那里获得它的驱动程序,因为Windows操作系统只包含一少部分USB猫的驱动程序。

缘由c 因为驱动程序的关系,系统对其的支持并不是那么完美。

  • 如果您使用的是USB猫,那么您将不得不花费额外的时间来为它寻找合适的驱动程序,但通常情况下这些驱动程序属于非开放代码的程序,加上它们受到严格的版权保护。因而在任何情况下使用它们都将受到限制。这样做不但极大的限制了他人对它们的研究,同时也限制了这些程序在其他系统上的使用(因为人们无法对其做出适当的修改以使得它们能够适应这些系统)。在Ubuntu当中所包含的驱动程序都是基于开放协议的(受到一定的版权保护,但人们可以自由的使用)同时Ubuntu系统当中包含了这些驱动程序的标准安装程序。而由于版权协议的关系,Ubuntu无法将那些受到严格版权保护的驱动程序纳入到自己的驱动程序库中。这其中有相当大的一部分是USB猫的驱动程序(这一部分的USB猫尤其又以那些使用'Conexant AccessRunner芯片,同时驱动程序受到严格版权保护的产品为主)。


  • 1 Linux系统当中必须使用软件来控制USB猫,因此您必须要安装和配置一个称为驱动程序的软件。
  • 2 如果您想访问网络,那么您就得在端口和USB猫之间建立一个映射关系。

2 Installing your USB ADSL modem(USB猫安装指南)

The first step towards getting a USB ADSL modem working is to identify exactly what type of modem you have. Depending on your modem type, you should follow the guide specific to the driver your modem needs.

To identify your modem, you should start by noting the make and model, which is usually printed on the front. Occasionaly you may have to look for a label to discover the exact model. You should then consult the list of USB ADSL modems to see which driver your modem requires, and if it can be made to work with Ubuntu.

Depending on the driver you found in the list of USB ADSL modems, consult one of the following guides :

  • UsbAdslModem/SpeedTouch (UKSpeedtouchDSLHowTo)- Speedtouch modems.
  • UsbAdslModem/ueagle-atm - Modems that use the Analog Devices Inc. eagle-usb I, II or III chipset. (Sagem Fast 800, Comtrend ct 350 etc.)
  • UsbAdslModem/EagleUsb - The alternative driver for eagle-usb based modems. This guide covers the Dapper packages and source code install.
  • UsbAdslModem/EciAdsl - Modems that use the Globespan GS7070 (Titanium) chipset. (ECI HiFocus, Globespan etc.)
  • UsbAdslModem/AccessRunner - UsbAdslModem/e-techV2 - Connexant AccessRunner based modems.

Other modems, no guides yet available:


对于确认猫的类型,首先需要注意的就是它的制造商和型号,这些信息通常都会在猫的外壳上加以注明。但偶尔的也需要去寻找标签来获得准确的型号。此外你需要留意list of USB ADSL modems里面的说明以便知道你的猫在Ubuntu下面是否能够得到支持和如何正确的寻找对应的驱动程序。

请根据您在list of USB ADSL modems里面所找到的对应产品所使用的核心芯片型号,在下列指南中选择一个参考阅读!

  • UsbAdslModem/SpeedTouch (UKSpeedtouchDSLHowTo)- Speedtouch modems. 对应于由上海贝尔生产的USB猫
  • UsbAdslModem/ueagle-atm - Modems that use the Analog Devices Inc. eagle-usb I, II or III chipset. (Sagem Fast 800, Comtrend ct 350 etc.) 对应于使用Analog Devices Inc生产的eagle-usbI,II或者是III型芯片的产品(诸如Sagem Fast800 (萨基姆Fast800),Comtrend ct350(康全 ct350) 等)
  • UsbAdslModem/EagleUsb - The alternative driver for eagle-usb based modems. This guide covers the Dapper packages and source code install. 对应于那些使用eagle-usb芯片的产品。
  • UsbAdslModem/EciAdsl - Modems that use the Globespan GS7070 (Titanium) chipset. (ECI HiFocus, Globespan etc.)对应于使用 Globespan GS7070(Titanium)的产品。(诸如ECI HiFocus, Globespan 等)
  • UsbAdslModem/AccessRunner - UsbAdslModem/e-techV2 - Connexant AccessRunner based modems.对应于使用Connexant AccessRunner的产品。


3 See also(额外的参考)

More support for installing a USB modem on this forum thread.

如要获得更多的关于USB猫的资料 请参考forum thread