


Wikibot讨论 | 贡献2008年10月20日 (一) 00:48的版本

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Love Thunderbird, but also need to manage your schedule? Do it from within the popular email client. Lightning extension to Thunderbird enables a fully featured Calendar Application which also allows sending or receiving meeting invitations via email. Lightning also supports Web-based calendars, such as Google Calendar.

Installation for Gutsy Gibbon 7.10 + Lightning 0.5

Lightning extension is now provided by Ubuntu universe repositories. Simply install package lightning-extension, or type sudo apt-get install lightning-extension That will install version 0.5 of Lightning.

Installation for Gutsy Gibbon 7.10 + Lightning 0.7 OR for Fiesty Fawn 7.04 + Lightning any version

Selecting Architecture for Lightning Extension

Lightning extension is architecture-specific. That is, if you are running 64-bit Thunderbird, you must run 64-bit Lightning. If you are running 32-bit version of Ubuntu, download 32-bit version of the extension. If you are running 64-bit version of Ubuntu,

  • If you are using Thunderbird from repositories, you are running 64-bit version of Thunderbird.
  • If you have used Ubuntuzilla, then you are running 32-bit version of Thunderbird.
  • Swiftdove an optimized build of the Mozilla Thunderbird code is available in 32bit and 64bit versions. It has Lightning installed by default.

Do not try to install both 32-bit and 64-bit Lightning. Select one of two versions below that matches your Thunderbird application.

Downloading and Installing 32-bit Lightning

  1. Point your browser to Lightning :: Thunderbird Add-ons
  2. Right-click the green button Install Now (Linux) and choose "Save Link As..." to download and save the file to your hard disk.
  3. In Mozilla Thunderbird, open Add-ons from the Tools menu.
  4. Click the Install button, and locate/select the file you downloaded and click "OK".
  5. Restart Thunderbird.

Downloading and Installing 64-bit Lightning

  1. Point your browser to [1]
  2. Right-click the link named lightning-0.7-tb-linux-x86_64.xpi and choose "Save Link As..." to download and save the file to your hard disk.
  3. In Mozilla Thunderbird, open Add-ons from the Tools menu.
  4. Click the Install button, and locate/select the file you downloaded and click "OK".
  5. Restart Thunderbird.


  • Lightning 0.5 supports only Classic view of Mozilla Thunderbird. In Thunderbird, select View/Layout/Classic View. Lightning 0.7 adds support for multiple Views.
  • If you see several colored bars instead of calendar grid, you are probably running the wrong architecture of Lightning. Verify whether your Thunderbird is 32-bit or 64-bit and download the matching copy of Lightning.
  • Try looking for answers in Lightning FAQ and Mozilla Calendar Wiki.

Still having problems?

Post your questions in : the Ubuntu Forums and we will try to help you.

Further Reading