


Dbzhang800讨论 | 贡献2008年4月21日 (一) 14:39的版本

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GNU TeXmacs

GNU TeXmacs 是一个自由的科学文本编辑器;它是受TeX 和emacs的启发而产生的。


"GNU TeXmacs is a free wysiwyw (what you see is what you want) editing platform with special features for scientists. The software aims to provide a unified and user friendly framework for editing structured documents with different types of content (text, graphics, mathematics, interactive content, etc.). The rendering engine uses high-quality typesetting algorithms so as to produce professionally looking documents, which can either be printed out or presented from a laptop.
The software includes a text editor with support for mathematical formulas, a small technical picture editor and a tool for making presentations from a laptop. Moreover, TeXmacs can be used as an interface for many external systems for computer algebra, numerical analysis, statistics, etc. New presentation styles can be written by the user and new features can be added to the editor using the Scheme extension language. A native spreadsheet and tools for collaborative authoring are planned for later.
TeXmacs runs on all major Unix platforms and Windows. Documents can be saved in TeXmacs, Xml or Scheme format and printed as Postscript or Pdf files. Converters exist for TeX/LaTeX and Html/Mathml."


  • wysiwyw (所见即所得)
  • 编辑结构化文档
  • 文本
  • 图片
  • 数学公式
  • 交互式内容
  • 小的专业图片编辑器
  • 便携电脑上制作简报的工具
  • 可作为许多外部程序如计算机代数系统,数值分析,统计等软件的前端


参见 屏幕截图


sudo apt-get install texmacs


TeXmacs 与 Maxima 的集成

TeXmacs 非常适合用来做为[Maxima]的图形前端。

在Edgy-Hardy中存在一个bug使得TeXmacs不能作为Maxima的前端。(参见https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/texmacs/+bug/58498 ) 将文件“/usr/lib/texmacs/TeXmacs/bin/maxima_detect” 第一行由“#!/usr/bin/sh”改为“#!/usr/bin/bash”

如果你使用的是 Maxima5.13 和 Texmacs, /usr/lib/texmacs/TeXmacs/bin 目录中的脚本maxima_detect 和 tm_maxima 需要做以下改动。

  • 将文件 maxima_detect 中
       if $MAXIMA --list-avail | grep -F "version 5.9.1
version 5.9.2
version 5.9.3
version 5.10
version 5.11
version 5.12" >/dev/null


       if $MAXIMA --list-avail | grep -F "version 5.9.1
version 5.9.2
version 5.9.3
version 5.10
version 5.11
version 5.12
version 5.13" >/dev/null
  • 将文件 tm_maxima 中
5.11.* | 5.12.*) exec maxima -u $1 -l $2 -p "$TEXMACS_MAXIMA_PATH/texmacs-maxima-5.11.0.lisp";;


5.11.* | 5.12.* | 5.13.*) exec maxima -u $1 -l $2 -p "$TEXMACS_MAXIMA_PATH/texmacs-maxima-5.11.0.lisp";;



  • TeXmacs作为Maxima前端的指南