


Wikibot讨论 | 贡献2009年5月18日 (一) 17:37的版本

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"Sage adalah software system open-source matematika berada di bawah lisensi GPL. Sage menggabungkan paket - paket open surce yang telah ada ke dalam antarmuka yang berbasis Python ." "Mission: Creating a viable free open source alternative to Magma, Maple, Mathematica and Matlab." Website: http://www.sagemath.org/

Petunjuk Instalasi

Carilah paket bernama sagemath dalam Paket Manager Synaptic dan instal paket tersebut. Ubuntu (as of 3-5-2009) akan menginstal Sagemath Version 3.0.5 sedangkan pada tanggal yang sama Tim Sagemath telah menawarkan versi terbarunya yaitu 3.4.1. Atau buka terminal dan ketikan perintah berikut:

sudo apt-get install sagemath 

Mulai Menggunakan Sage

Buka terminal dan ketikan sage dan tekan enter. Command line sage akan terbuka. Tunggu sampai muncul prompt sage. Seperti contoh berikut:


Ini sangat tergantung pada perangkat keras anda. Saat pertama kali menggunakansage kita akan diminta untuk memasukan password demi keamanan.

Choice of Sage Interface: Command Line Or GUI

You have a choice of using sage either from the command line or from a GUI. In order to use the GUI interface to sage use the sage prompt to type:


This will open the GUI interface to sage which is the well known Firefox web browser. To start work with the GUI interface of sage click on the link New Worksheet. The rest involves typing your sage commands into the input box and clicking the evaluate button that lies below it.

Help and Documentation

Help for sage is available from: http://www.sagemath.org/help.html A beginner would probably begin with the Tutorial at http://www.sagemath.org/doc/tutorial/index.html

Further Reading

At the web page http://www.sagemath.org/help.html you would, by and by, want to look at the Installation Guide and the Reference Manual besides a whole host of documentation.
