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2010年4月6日 (二) 14:09的最新版本

General information: Repositories in Ubuntu


通常有少数你想安的报不在ubuntu的源里. 如果那些包还有很多依赖关系, 试着取用 dpkg can drop you into "dpkg hell", and having apt resolve those dependencies for you would really help. There are full blown methods of creating your own local repository, such as Debarchiver or Dak. These are overkill, when all you want is a means of resolving dependencies of the handful of packages you've downloaded from the web (not for an entire repository that you want to use without Internet connection; for this use AptGet/Offline/Repository). A simple solution is to use dpkg-scanpackages, which will build a repository you can add to your sources.list.



  1. Install dpkg-dev
  2. 创建报目录
  3. 创建脚本扫描包,并且创建apt-get update可读的文件
  4. 在 sources.list 中加一行指向你的源

=== 安装 dpkg-dev ===(一般情况下已安装)


sudo apt-get install dpkg-dev


创建你需要保存软件包的目录. 例如,我(原文作者)将会用 /usr/local/mydebs.(本人建议使用~/下的目录,以防权限问题)

mkdir /usr/local/mydebs

现在,把你的包移动到之前创建的目录里。 装机后所有下载的包都驻留在 /var/cache/apt/archives 目录里。 如果你安装了apt-cacher 还有一些额外的包驻留在他的 /packages 目录里。


这是一个简单的三 liner (It's a simple three liner:)

 #! /bin/bash
 cd /usr/local/mydebs #用你之前方包的目录
 dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null | gzip -9c > Packages.gz

复制到 gedit, 保存为 update-mydebs 在 ~/bin. ( '~' 指你的目录.) 如果 ~/bin 不存在, 创建它: Ubuntu 将把这个目录放到PATH. 这是一个存放个人脚本的好地方). 接下来, 赋予文件运行权限:

chmod u+x ~/bin/update-mydebs

How the script works: dpkg-scanpackages looks at all the packages in mydebs, and the output is compressed and written to a file (Packages.gz) that apt-get update can read (see below for a reference that explains this in excruciating detail). /dev/null is an empty file; it is a substitute for an override file which holds some additional information about the packages, which in this case is not really needed. See deb-override(5) if you want to know about it.


在 /etc/apt/Sources.list 中加入:

deb file:/usr/local/mydebs ./

更多可见 Repositories/Ubuntu.

使用 本地源

当 你放入新的 deb包到 mydebs 目录时, 运行

sudo update-mydebs
sudo apt-get update

Now your local packages can be manipulated with Synaptic, aptitude and the apt commands: apt-get, apt-cache, etc. When you attempt to apt-get install, any dependencies will be resolved for you, as long as they can be met. Badly made packages will probably fail, but you won't have endured dpkg hell.
