


Oneleaf讨论 | 贡献2007年5月24日 (四) 15:57的版本 (新页面: {{From|https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV/Install/Troubleshooting}} {{Languages|UbuntuHelp:MythTV/Install/Troubleshooting}} Include(MythTV/Header) == Trouble Shooting == === Ac...)

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Trouble Shooting

Access denied for user: 'mythtv@localhost'

The most common reason for this problem is not properly setting up your group membership for the user you are trying to launch mythtv with.

  • Are you in the mythtv group?
    • You can check who is in the mythtv group by running
grep mythtv: /etc/group
    • If you aren't in the mythtv group, add yourself to the group
sudo usermod -a -G mythtv USERNAME

Where USERNAME is the name of the user being added.

    • After adding yourself to the group, remove ~/.mythtv and then log out/in.
rm ~/.mythtv -rf
  • If you are already in the group, try to remove ~/.mythtv and then try again.
rm ~/.mythtv -rf
  • If you still can't connect, you can change the password. See instructions below with the small change of the instruction. Instead of
UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD('<password>') WHERE user='root';

you can set mythtv password to the default (mythtv):

UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD('mythtv') WHERE user='mythtv';

Access denied for user: 'root@localhost'

Somehow, during setup your root password for mysql that you entered into mythtv doesn't match.



Will give you a chance to check the password. then in a terminal:

mysql -u root mysql

You will then be asked for a password. the default password is blank so hit enter or if you have changed the root mysql password enter it. You will then see:

Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 13 to server version: 5.0.15-Debian_0.dotdeb.1-log

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.


now to change the root password:

UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD('<password>') WHERE user='root';

then do <ctrl> + 'd' to quite or type quit. You have now 'fixed' the password. It might be a good idea to run


and make sure that you update the password there as well.

Mythbackend isn't running at startup right after install

Typically this is caused by incorrect permissions on the directory where the backend will be saving your recordings.

You can verify this to be the problem by attempting to restart the backend:

sudo /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend restart

Then checking that the backend successfully started:

ps -p `cat /var/run/mythtv/mythbackend.pid`

If you don't see output like:

30711 ?        00:00:00 mythbackend

check the log file for errors:

more /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log

The end of the log file will indicate exactly why the backend is no longer running. If it ends up being a permissions or ownership problem, just change the permissions and ownership of the recordings directory:

sudo chown mythtv.mythtv /var/lib/mythtv
sudo chmod u=rwx,g=rwxs,o=rx /var/lib/mythtv

(This assumes that your directory for recordings is /var/lib/mythtv. If you have the recordings stored somewhere else, be sure to replace /var/lib/mythtv in the above command with that location.)

The end result is that the ownership and permissions should match /var/lib/mythtv as it was set by the installer. (You might want to replace /var/lib/mythtv with a symbolic link to your custom location if you are using a customized location.)

Sound from live TV does not pause

Symptom: You can watch TV and hear the audio. But when TV is paused, the TV audio moves on.

Sourse of problem: The audio signal from your TV tuner card is fed through a cable to your sound card, and played back directly.

Solution: You need to mute this input for playback and enable it for capture. You can use the alsamixer utility to change these settings.

Start alsamixer in a terminal, use left and right cursors to move to your TV audio input, which most likely is Line or CD (check your hardware manual and where the audio cable is connected); press SPACE to set it as the capture soure, and M to mute it (yes, mute it so that it won't appear directly in playback). You may also need to enable Capture as capture. Use up and down cursor to adjust volume. Once everything is set, press ESC to exit.

This information is based on MythTV offical documentation.

Razzing/tinny/metalic sound

This happens with the following combination: Ubuntu 6.10, mythtv 0.20, software encoding tuner card, VIA 8237 chipset. The default sample rate is 32 kHz. However the VIA 8237 chipset only do well with 48 kHz.

To solve the problem, open mythfrondend, go to Utilities/Setup -> Setup -> TV Settings -> Recording Profiles -> Software Encoders -> Live TV and change the audio sample rate to 48 kHz. Test effect. Then do the same to settings in Default, High Quality, Low Quality.

This solution is based on the MythTV Wiki.

Unable to use Mythweb or phpmyadmin

If you are encountering errors where your web browser attempts to open a PHTML file rather than browse phpmyadmin or mythweb properly, you most likely mixed up the order of some installations and lost some dependencies along the way.

Here is what this error typically looks like:

Troubleshooting?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=phtml.png This is what happens when you try to browse to mythweb or phpmyadmin.

To resolve the issue, you will need to install libapache2-mod-php5 or libapache2-mod-php4. Find out which one you have installed ( dpkg -l | grep php will show this).


sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php4


sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5

data/tv_icons directory is not writable

from http://stacktrace.org/

sudo chmod 777 /usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/data/tv_icons

Mythbackend setup not saving settings

This problem is caused by a database setup error. Syptoms include capture card setting not saving, and a database error when finishing backend setup. To fix:

In mySQL drop the data base mythconverg If not confident with mySQL install phpmyadmin, and you can do it from a web browser

Open Synaptic Package Manager and search for myth-database. Mark package for re-installation, and apply changes.

Run mythbackend setup again and problems should have gone.
