


Aywizard讨论 | 贡献2008年6月27日 (五) 11:39的版本

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  1. title How to Get Help

So, you're having a problem with your Ubuntu system. Don't panic! This page provides some starting points where you can find help.


  • help.ubuntu.com - 阅读官方 Ubuntu 文档.
  • 阅读 Common Questions. 这里已经列出了一些常见的问题. 先阅读他们!
  • 阅读 Ubuntu community documentation wiki.
  • 使用页面右上方的搜索栏在wiki中搜索. 这些文档中可能就包含你所要的答案,或者提供给你一些关于这些问题的线索. 点击Titles按钮在标题中搜索. 如果标题搜索没有找到你想要的,点击Text按钮进行全文中搜索.
  • Ubuntu Web Forums: Ubuntu论坛, 用户会在这里提问和回答问题. 你所遇到的问题很有可能在这里已经被提出并解决了.
  • The Official Ubuntu User Email list - 搜索邮件列表! 可能有人曾经提出与你相同的问题并得到了解答.
  • 搜索 Launchpad. 你可能遇到一个已知的bug. 在Launchpad可以找到临时的解决方法或更新包. 如果你发现有一个bug与你的问题相符并且你有一些这里还没有记录的信息, 你可以将信息发布在bug的评论中. 对bug的说明整理可以在页面底部找到.

非官方的 Ubuntu 链接

下面是网上一些非官方的 Ubuntu 资源, 提供 Ubuntu 的一些相关信息. 如果你在官方资源里找不到你想要的,可能在这里会有.

Debian links

Ubuntu 的前身是 Debian GNU/Linux. 在这里可以找到更多关于 Debian 的信息.

Gnome 与 KDE 链接

Ubuntu 使用 Gnome 作为他的窗口系统, Kubuntu 使用 KDE. 这里可以找到更多的信息.

General Linux links

Following is a selection of general Linux resources on the web.

How to ask for help

If none of these resources led you to a solution, take a moment to formulate your question before asking for help. This is important! If your question is unclear you are less likely to receive answers. If someone does reply they may need to ask for more information in order to help you. This process requires time and effort on both parts which could otherwise be avoided. Here are some simple ideas which will help you to ask your question effectively:

  • Describe your problem clearly and precisely. Explain what you did, and what you saw when you did it.
  • If you have received an error message, reproduce it exactly as it is shown on the screen, for example via cut-and-paste or a screenshot.
  • Whenever possible, provide a step-by-step procedure which would allow anyone to see the problem for themselves. Given this information, most bugs are much easier for developers to isolate.
  • Avoid making assumptions about what the problem might be, since this may greatly confuse the issue if you are mistaken.
  • Don't ask whether it is OK to ask a question. Go ahead and ask! One question is better than two.
  • Along the same lines, don't ask whether someone will help you. If someone is willing to help you, they will respond to your question when you ask it.

A more detailed discussion of these and related ideas can be found here: How To Ask Questions The Smart Way (Note: Don't ask authors Eric & Rick about Ubuntu, they are not Ubuntu help resources.)

Where to ask for help


IRC is the fastest way to get help, because you can converse live with other users about your problem.

When on IRC, remember you may be talking to someone who is a lot older or younger than you, or from a different culture. It is an interesting place, if you watch what is going on for a few minutes you may find that you can get a better response. The people in these channels are volunteers. Please be aware there are a lot of questions, but perhaps only a few who might know the answer and be available for you.

Mailing lists and Forums

The mailing lists and forums are discussion groups where users can correspond and hold longer conversations.

Qunu.com Experts

You can get free live help from the qunu.com experts at [1].

Following up

Hopefully after following this procedure you will have arrived at a solution to your problem. However, there may still be work to be done. Perhaps you did not find your answer easily, and arrived at it only after much searching, or by receiving a direct answer from someone else. If so, think about how to make that information more readily available to the next person who encounters a similar problem. Perhaps a new entry in the FAQ, or a Howto article. (See the Wiki Guide.)

If you think you have found a bug

The ReportingBugs page will guide you on how to report it so that it can be fixed.