


Oneleaf讨论 | 贡献2007年5月14日 (一) 11:46的版本

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Ideally, a password should be easy to remember, tough for someone else to guess, and complex enough so that computers cannot easily crack it. Any one of these three is easy, but having a password that satisfies all 3 is harder.

Easy to Remember

It's much easier to remember one password then 20 passwords, so try to choose a password that can be used on different computer systems and on many websites. This usually means a password with at least 8 letters (and sometimes no more than 8). It should also be complex, as many websites have complexity requirements.

Tough to guess

Do not use the name of your cat, your birthdate, the word 'secret', or anything else people might easily guess.


A good password will have a mix of uppercase letters, lowercase letters and numbers (you can also have symbols, such as * and #, though many websites will not allow this, so try to avoid these).

Further Reading

  • StrongPasswords