


Wikibot讨论 | 贡献2010年5月19日 (三) 16:56的版本

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Hula is a calendar and mail server, with the goal of being fun and easy to use, while scaling effortlessly from small groups to large organizations with thousands of members. Hula is an open source project led by [[1]]. The following instructions have been tested with Ubuntu 5.10 and Ubuntu 6.06 LTS.


NOTE: The following instructions are used via the command line using a terminal. Steps 1 and 2 are the only steps that could be carried out graphically, by using Synaptic or Adept.

Step 1: Enable Multiverse

In order to install the dependencies, the Multiverse repository needs to be enabled. (Refer to the Repositories wiki page if you need help doing this.)

Step 2: Installing Dependencies

Building Hula requires very few dependencies. You just need the OpenSSL Libraries and the Automake tools, however it is recommended to install the others listed. You can install all the bits you need with this instruction:

# sudo apt-get install automake1.7 autoconf libtool openssl \
libssl-dev build-essential pkg-config subversion bison flex \
libpopt0 libpopt-dev

Step 3: Grabbing Hula Code

Hula is stored in a Subversion repository at Novell Forge. It is recommended you run this from a directory in which you want to have the /hula directory. In our example we created a directory name hula in our ~/ home directory. Issue the following commands:

# mkdir ~/hula
# cd ~/hula
# svn checkout https://forgesvn1.novell.com/svn/hula/trunk hula

Step 4: Building Hula

Building Hula is not a difficult process, just one that requires time and patience. Issue the following commands:

# cd ~/hula/hula
# ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr/local/hula
# make
# sudo make install

Step 5: Configuring Hula

Before you can start using Hula, you need to configure Hula with the information for your domain. You can do this using the hulasetup command. Replace yourdomain.com with your domain name (e.g. ubuntu.com) and yourdns.server.com with DNS. Do not include www. or http``://.

# sudo /usr/local/hula/sbin/hulasetup --domain=yourdomain.com --dns=yourdns.server.com

If you do not specify a domain and DNS server, Hula will default to localhost.localdomain.

Step 6: Running Hula

The Hula source code does not include a init script (the packages do) so you need to use hulamanager to start and stop Hula. To start Hula:

# sudo /usr/local/hula/sbin/hulamanager -d

To start Hula with default output:

# sudo /usr/local/hula/sbin/hulamanager

To stop Hula:

# sudo /usr/local/hula/hulamanager -s
# sudo killall hulamanager

Note: It can often take several minutes for Hula to fully stop running so be patient.

Aditional Notes

  • Hula Web``Admin runs on port 89. You can log on with the username admin and password hula.
  • Hula WebUI runs on port 8080. You can log on with the accounts set up in Web``Admin.
  • The Hula project has stopped, but work is continuing under a new project [[2]]


Join #hula on irc.freenode.net. Someone like spayne will help you if you get stuck!