


不死怨灵讨论 | 贡献2010年4月17日 (六) 17:19的版本 Configuring btsco to run automatically at each boot

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使用蓝牙时有两种不同的音频配置方案,使用哪一个取决于你将如何使用你的耳机以及你如何计划使用它。 "sco" 音频配置是一个低品质、低延时的连接方案。音质近似于无线电话。糟糕的音质在听音乐的时候显得尤为明显。"a2d" 音频配置是一个高品质的压缩连接,并且提供出色的音频品质。截止到2007年7月13日a2d音频驱动无法通过apt获取,而是需要手动编译安装。这是首选的蓝牙音频配置方案。

安装低品质"sco" 音频驱动程序


sudo apt-get install bluez-btsco
sudo modprobe snd-bt-sco

注意:如果你喜欢让这个模块在启动时被自动加载,运行'gksu gedit /etc/modules' 并加入一行:'snd-bt-sco'。


  1. 将设备设置为“配对”模式。这个过程会因耳机不同而所有差异,但通常需要按住电源键10-15秒。
  2. 打开一个终端运行'hcitool scan'

""注意:我使用的是我的地址'00:07:a4:b8:f9:77'来作为例子。"" ""在余下步骤中,请替换成用从hcitool scan输出的您的地址。""

  1. 寻找类似这样的输出
 ellie@ellie-laptop:~$ hcitool scan
 Scanning ...
         00:07:A4:B8:F0:77       Motorola HT820
  1. 编辑 /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf (gksu gedit /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf ) 并添加这样一段
 device 00:07:A4:B8:F9:77 {
         name "Motorola HT820"
         auth enable;
         encrypt enable;
  1. 重启蓝牙服务
sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart


  1. 像前面一样将耳机设置为“配对”模式
  2. 打开一个终端并运行'btsco -v 00:07:a4:b8:f9:77'
  3. Gnome蓝牙管理器会向你询问配对的pin码。通常是0000或者1234


aplay -B 1000000 -D plughw:Headset /usr/share/sounds/login.wav



  1. 打开 系统 -> 首选项 -> 启动应用程序
  2. 点击“添加”。
  3. 输入名称 "BT Sco Headset audio"。
  4. 输入命令 '/usr/bin/btsco -r -f 00:07:a4:b8:f9:77'
  5. 点击添加来应用设置


asoundconf set-default-card Headset

这会在你的.asoundrc 文件夹中创建适当的条目。此设置将应用于所有用户。


一个配置你的蓝牙耳机的替代方法就是使用Gbtsco,一个简单的GUI就能实现我们前面所述的所有辛苦工作。 http://www.stgraber.org/2007/05/20/gbtsco-already-release-02/ 请考虑此时btsco和snd-bt-sco是否被新的bluez发展所支持,但btsco将一直有效直至被一个新的解决方案所取代。更多信息在http://www.bluez.org/

Installing High quality "a2d" audio drivers

The bluetooth-alsa package is available since Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy).

Using "a2d" audio drivers

Pairing a headset using the Bluetooth Manger works as designed through the GUI, however routing sound to the newly paired headset is not possible using Sound Preferences (found at System > Preferences > Sound Preferences). In the Sound Preferences dialog under Devices > Music and Movies > Sound Playback you should be able to pick the paired bluetooth headset. However, the headset does not appear in the list of options. To direct sound output to the headset open a terminal window and enter the following:

gconftool -t string -s /system/gstreamer/0.10/default/musicaudiosink "sbcenc ! a2dpsink device=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX"

Where XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX is the MAC address of the headset. After executing this command you can reopen the Sound Preferences window and see under Devices > Music and Movies > Sound Playback that the field is now blank (your device can not be represented because the headset isn't a available option in the drop down list). To redirect the sound back to the computer's speakers select Autodetect for Devices > Music and Movies > Sound Playback. You will have to restart Rhythmbox each time you make a change. This information was taken from http://wiki.bluez.org/wiki/HOWTO/AudioDevices.


The BluetoothSkype; page has additional information for configuring the new driver. See Contact/troubleshooting for troubleshooting information. There is additional information for audio troubleshooting at BluetoothPulseaudioTroubleshooting If you experience drop in audio while you use your bluetooth mouse, change this options in /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf, device section: Change “lm accept;” to “lm master;” and change “lp rswitch,hold,sniff,park;” to “lp hold,sniff,park;”. Then restart bluetooth (/etc/init.d/bluetooth force-reload).