


Arthurkkk讨论 | 贡献2009年1月6日 (二) 17:47的版本 Ampache 安装说明 (更新安装)

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本文是介绍 Ampache 和 Ubuntu 社区的 AmpachePackage 项目.


Ampache 是一个基于 Web 的音频文件管理器。它是用 MySQL 和 PHP 技术来实现的。 它允许你在网络上直接浏览、编辑并播放你的音频文件。它还支持播放列表、艺术家和唱片集、唱片分类、随机播放、回放。 Http/On the Fly Transcoding and Downsampling, Vote based playback, Mpd 和 Icecast, 集成 Flash Player, 同样支持用户主题和歌曲播放跟踪。你可以使用 XML-RPC 把 Ampache 服务连接在一起。 Ampache 支持 GETTEXT 翻译功能,它支持许多语言。 Ampache 资源

Ampache 首席开发者 Karl Vollmer, vollmer AT ampache DOT org

Ampache 安装说明(首次安装)

Ubuntu Hardy 版本已经包含 Ampache- 安装包,你也可以从这里下载: download。 Ubuntu Intrepid 版本也包含了 Ampache-3.4.1 安装包,你也可以从这里下载: download. 由于 Debian 停止发布新版,Ampache-3.4.3-1 没有 Lenny 版本下的合适版本. However a Feature Freeze Exception was granted for Ampache-3.4.3-0ubuntu1 to be included into Intrepid. Due to a lintian error, Ampache-3.4.3-0ubuntu1 now depends on libjs-prototype. libjs-prototype is only available in Intrepid and Lenny. Currently libjs-prototype is not in the Hardy archive unless it is backported. So what this means is that Ampache-3.4.3-0ubuntu1 will not install on Hardy or Etch due to Unmet Dependencies. The maintainer has been kind enough to make a version of Ampache-3.4.3-0ubuntu1 for Hardy and Etch. These are not official packages so please do not file bug reports against them, contact me directly. The Hardy/Etch version of Ampache-3.4.3-0ubuntu1 can be found here There is also the Ampache-Themes- themes package available in the Hardy archives. Sorry, for those folks using Ampache-3.4 additional themes are not yet available due to the fact that Ampache-3.4 is still in development. 现在打开一个终端窗口

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ampache mysql-server-5.0 phpmyadmin

创建一个 mysql 用户帐户,并赋予它 root 权限 在浏览器的地址栏输入 http://localhost/ampache 或http://your.ip.address/ampache,执行后续安装步骤。 这里有个非常棒的安装向导 Wiki or at Ampache For Debian And Ubuntu.

Ampache 安装说明 (更新安装)

用以下这些命令可以让你容易得执行更新安装。 在现有的安装系统上执行:

sudo apt-get install apache2-mpm-prefork, mysql-server, php5, php5-gd

注意: phpmyadmin 可以在 mysql 服务器上,创建一个有 root 权限的用户帐号。If starting from scratch, install the Ubuntu-server cd 然后,打开一个终端窗口,输入以下命令:

  1. cd /tmp
  2. wget <a href="http://www.ampache.org/downloads/current.tar.gz">http://www.ampache.org/downloads/current.tar.gz</a>
  3. tar -xzvf current.tar.gz
  4. mv ampache-??? /usr/share/
  5. cd /usr/share
  6. mv ampache-??? ampache
  7. chown -R www-data:www-data ampache
  8. nano /etc/apache2/conf.d/ampache
    type into nano
    Alias /ampache /usr/share/ampache
    <directory />

DirectoryIndex index.php Options Indexes MultiViews AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all </directory>

  1. ctrl o to save
  2. ctrl x to exit nano
  3. /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Stop here if you plan on using phpmyadmin to setup mysql user account with root priv. If not continue

  1. mysql -u <username> -p
  2. mysql: create database ampache;
  3. mysql: \q
  4. mysql -u <username> -p ampache < sql/ampache.sql
  5. cp config/ampache.cfg.php.dist config/ampache.cfg.php
  6. nano config/ampache.cfg.php

type into nano local_host = localhost local_db = ampache local_pass = <password> local_user = <username>

  1. ctrl o to save
  2. ctrl x to exit nano

Then point your web browser to http://your.domain/ampache and this will bring you to the Ampache install page and just follow the instructions.

AmpachePackaging 项目

AmpachePackaging 项目已经完成。 Charlie Smotherman [email protected]