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(丝路古茶红与黑 SILK ROAD TEA;低咖啡因 low-caffeine ;解油化脂 fat-burning ;消除便秘 constipation-relieving)
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== 完美的系统设计 ==
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  同一个世界,同一壶茶香!   One world, one cup of tea.   丝路古茶全球香!   Silk Road Vintage Tea makes an aromatic world.   红与黑丝路古茶全球香!   Black and Dark Silk Road Vintage Tea makes an aromatic world.   高级健康时尚袋泡茶   Classy teabag for good health   丝路古茶   Silk Road Vintage Tea   低咖啡因 low-caffeine   解油化脂 fat-burning   消除便秘 constipation-relieving   茶香袅袅,仿佛犹回味着万里的风霜   The scent takes you to the age-old wilderness.   茶韵悠悠,依稀仍传承着千载的回忆……   The charm tells stories as old as time.   红茶源于中国,后传至国外,因英国女王所喜爱而声名鹊起。大文豪小仲马在《茶花女》中生动描述了红茶在贵族生活中的情节。英国作家对红茶情有独钟,奥斯丁特将此喜好写进了小说《傲慢与偏见》中。法国作家巴尔扎克也嗜爱红茶。   Black tea originated in China and became popular overseas thanks to the endorsement of the Queen of England. The role of black tea in the upper class life is vividly reflected in The Lady of the Camellias by Alexandre Dumas Jr. As a soft spot of English writers, black tea found its way to Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. French author Honoré de Balzac was also an addict.   现在品饮红茶已经成为茶文化主流。   Black tea is the mainstream of tea culture.   丝路古茶精选湘红,汤色红润,馥郁芬芳。   Silk Road Vintage Tea is a blend of fine teas from Hunan. The drink is red with rich fragrance.   茯砖黑茶—“—中国古丝绸之路上的神秘之茶”。自古通过“丝绸之路”“唐蕃古道”,运往西域和吐蕃,因其内含的“金花”,产生了与众不同的魅力。是中国西北少数民族生活的必需品。因长期饮用,他们身材健美,又“宁可三日无食,不可一日无茶”之说;又因其咖啡因含量低,不影响睡眠,更成为现代生活理想健康饮品。为日本,俄罗斯,英国,马来西亚等国家所喜爱,为古今中外名人所赞美。普希金称赞黑茶像一股黑色的溪流,馥郁芳香。   Fu Brick Dark Tea, the mysterious tea from China’s ancient Silk Road. Since ancient times, it has been transported along the Silk Road and Tangbo Passageway to western regions and Tibet. The Golden Flower it contains adds a unique charm. A necessity to China’s northwestern ethnic minorities, it is consumed routinely and helps people keep fit. As the popular saying goes, “it’s fine to go without meals for three days, but not a single day without tea.” With its low caffeine content and thus zero-impact on sleep, the tea is an ideal and wholesome drink for modern life. Popular in countries like Japan, Russia, the UK and Malaysia, it is an all-time favorite with personages all over the world. Alexander Pushkin, the great Russian poet, once described the dark tea as a trickle of black stream with strong aroma.   红与黑丝路古茶,融两者精华于一身,随意组合,各尽其妙,无论是商务办公,还是居家旅行,时常带给您一份久违的怡然优雅。   Black and Dark Silk Road Vintage Tea combines the good of both black tea and dark tea. The two can be mixed freely without hurting the merits of each. At work or at home, the tea keeps you contented and graceful.   冲泡方法:将茯砖黑茶与红茶分别各取一包,用100度开水冲泡5分钟,一杯汤如琥珀,馥郁甘醇的丝路古茶将带给您美妙神奇的享受……   Brewing instructions: Take a bag of Fu Brick Dark Tea and a bag of Black Tea. Bring fresh water to the boil and pour the boiling water to the teabags. Allow to infuse for five minutes. A cup of amber-colored and aromatic Silk Road Vintage Tea is ready to take you on a trip of wonder.

2011年3月17日 (四) 22:53的版本
