


Oneleaf讨论 | 贡献2007年5月14日 (一) 14:22的版本

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Artoolkit Packaging Strategy


This specification should describe the improvements we would like to introduce before packaging the upstream code. Things like reliable configuration system, maybe by adding Autoconf/Automake support, improving the modularisation, so the users can install only the right video_backend for their system and so on.


We will start by the least intrusive approach, where we build an static configuration based on the current shipped interactive configuration script.

By having the source configured automatically we can already package the very first version of the package, artoolkit-dev where we will ship:

  • headers at /usr/include/artoolkit
  • static libraries at /usr/lib/artoolkit
  • and binaries at /usr/share/artoolkit-dev

Static Configuration

  • Architecture: i386 only (to use optimized color conversion code)
  • Video Environment: Video4Linux
  • GL: no texture-retangle support (no nvidia optimized support)

With these options we expect to reach the most common and simplest environment.

Results and Prospects

The first result is the artoolkit-dev binary for i386 architecture, later we intend to have:

  • artoolkit-examples containing the sourcecode examples.
  • artoolkit containing shared objects (or maybe simply the static libraries as the upstream code).

It would be nice if we can add Autoconf & Automake support to the upstream code, then we can go for more advanced debianization approaches and also multi architecture and multi video support.

/!\ Beta-Available -> http://www.gwyddion.com/~cprov/files/artoolkit-dev_2.72-ubuntu1_i386.deb