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This document is to introduce Ampache and the AmpachePackage Project to the Ubuntu community.


Ampache is a Web-based Audio file manager. It is implemented with MySQL, and PHP. It allows you to view, edit, and play your audio files via the web. It has support for playlists, artist and album views, album art, random play, playback via Http/On the Fly Transcoding and Downsampling, Vote based playback, Mpd and Icecast, Integrated Flash Player, as well as per user themes and song play tracking. You can also Link multiple Ampache servers together using XML-RPC. Ampache supports GETTEXT translations and has a full translation of many languages. Ampache Resources

Ampache Lead Developer Karl Vollmer, vollmer AT ampache DOT org

New Ampache Install Instructions

Ampache- will be included into the Hardy release of Ubuntu and is available for download. Ampache-3.4 is available through Ampaches Launchpad PPA. Please note that this is the development version of Ampache. Some features may be missing and or broken so please if you use the development version report Bugs. To utilize the Launchpad PPA please add these lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list according to the release you are using. The cool thing about using the Launchpad PPA is that when a new version of Ampache is uploaded to the PPA the Ubuntu update manager will notify you that there is an Ampache update available. Feisty

deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/cjsmo/ubuntu feisty main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/cjsmo/ubuntu feisty main


deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/cjsmo/ubuntu gutsy main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/cjsmo/ubuntu gutsy main


deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/cjsmo/ubuntu hardy main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/cjsmo/ubuntu hardy main

There is also the Ampache-Themes- themes package available in the Hardy archives. Sorry, for those folks using Ampache-3.4 additional themes are not yet available due to the fact that Ampache-3.4 is still in development. Now open a terminal and type

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ampache mysql-server-5.0 phpmyadmin

Set up a mysql user account with root privileges Point your browser to http://localhost/ampache or http://your.ip.address/ampache and follow the install instruction. There is a very good install guide located on the Wiki or at Ampache For Debian And Ubuntu.

Old Ampache Install Instructions

For those comfortable with the command line the following commands should get you up and running. On an existing setup,

sudo apt-get install apache2-mpm-prefork, mysql-server, php5, php5-gd

NOTE-phpmyadmin can be used to create a user account with root privliges on the mysql server. If starting from scratch, install the Ubuntu-server cd Next open a terminal and enter the following commands. 1. cd /tmp 2. wget <a href="http://www.ampache.org/downloads/current.tar.gz">http://www.ampache.org/downloads/current.tar.gz</a> 3. tar -xzvf current.tar.gz 4. mv ampache-??? /usr/share/

5 cd /usr/share 6. mv ampache-??? ampache 7. chown -R www-data:www-data ampache 8. nano /etc/apache2/conf.d/ampache

type into nano Alias /ampache /usr/share/ampache <directory /> DirectoryIndex index.php Options Indexes MultiViews AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all </directory> 9. ctrl o to save

10. ctrl x to exit nano 11. /etc/init.d/apache2 restart Stop here if you plan on using phpmyadmin to setup mysql user account with root priv. If not continue 12. mysql -u <username> -p 13. mysql: create database ampache; 14. mysql: \q 15. mysql -u <username> -p ampache < sql/ampache.sql 16. cp config/ampache.cfg.php.dist config/ampache.cfg.php 17. nano config/ampache.cfg.php type into nano local_host = localhost local_db = ampache local_pass = <password> local_user = <username> 18. ctrl o to save 19. ctrl x to exit nano Then point your web browser to http://your.domain/ampache and this will bring you to the Ampache install page and just follow the instructions.

AmpachePackaging Project

The AmpachePackaging Project is completed. Charlie Smotherman [email protected]