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NOTE: This page is inaccurate and out of date. Feisty users: please give feedback on the Ubuntu Forums Apple PPC section. We need more testers and feedback from this model.

Install and configure Linux and Xorg on iMac G5 rev C (iSight)

This howto is for dapper, edgy kernel boots on iMac G5 rev C. We even have sound :)

This Howto is based on an installation over an iMac G5 rev C (the iSight line) with a 20" wide screen. If you have different computer, please be careful and contribute to this howto.

What you need

Installing Linux

  • Get kernel image from ppckernel.org : Get the latest kernel at

[Link removed.]

    • Edit: That above kernel image is NOT for the G5. Looks like ppckernel.org does NOT provide current kernel images with a g5_defconfig. Download a kernel from kernel.org, or try a recent Feisty kernel.

Therefore the following kernel instructions are obsolete:

  • Copy [INSTALL CD]/install/yaboot --> [Macintosh HD]/yaboot
  • Copy [INSTALL CD]/install/powerpc64/initrd.gz [Macintosh HD]/initrd-cd.gz (notice the file was renamed to initrd-cd.gz)
  • Download yaboot.conf-macos from bersace03, copy it to [Macintosh HD]/ and rename it to yaboot.conf. I assume Mac OS X is installed at /dev/sda3 and linux will be at /dev/sda5. You might have to change [Macintosh HD]/yaboot.conf to reflect your installation.
  • Insert your CD and reboot.
  • Type Option+Command+O+F during boot time. OF show you a prompt.
  • Type `boot hd:X,yaboot` where X is the number of the Mac OS X volume (often 3). Remember this each time you have to use yaboot while we have not run `ybin` ! Do not boot the install CD !
  • Choose the `cd` label at yaboot prompt. First questions should arrives such as language, country, etc. Complete the installation. Keep the install CD in.
  • at reboot, reopen the yaboot via the OF prompt.
  • Choose the `rescue` label to boot. Copy the installed initrd.gz to your Macintosh HD, using an usb key/hd/whatever you want. Copy this initrd.gz as /initrd-hd.gz at root of your Macintosh Volume. Here you may have to change the /yaboot.conf to reflect the installation (especially the root=/dev/sda5 option).
  • Disable the display manager with `update-rc.d -f gdm remove`.
  • Now it's time to boot with the new installed system as root. For this, choose the `hd` label at yaboot prompt. Once your system is booted, configure network (network-manager work fine). Get the latest kernel-image available at bersace03 and install it.
  • Backup yaboot.conf. Copy yaboot.conf-ubuntu from bersace03 to /etc/yaboo.conf and adapt it to your computer (especially the device option). When you are sure, run `ybin`. Now you don't need OF prompt anymore.

Installing and configuring Xorg

Thanks to ubuntu, xserver-xorg-driver-ati is updated and xserver-xorg-core include now a modeline for 1680x1050@60 and 85Hz You might not need to get latest ati driver and just configure xorg with dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. And then skip to GDM reenabling. Please test with ubuntu packages and contribute to this howto.

Update to latest ati driver

Next step is Xorg. You need a special branch of the ati driver for Xorg. Thanks to the new modular Xorg, we won't compile all Xorg :). I did not test without updating the driver, but this might be possible to just configure the driver shipped with ubuntu to run correctly. But Benjamin advice to use the latest driver ...

  • Install build-essential, automake-1.7 (or newer), autotools-dev, libtool,x11proto-gl-dev, x11proto-*, xserver-xorg-dev, xlibs-dev, mesa-common-dev and other stuffs the compilation may need. `./configure` will help you.
Don't forget to use update-alternatives if you already had automake<1.7 installed : 
update-alternatives --set automake $(which automake-1.7)
update-alternatives --config automake
  • Prepare a cradle for the sources :

export CVSROOT=:pserver:[email protected]:/cvs/xorg cvs login mkdir -p ~/Sources/xorg cd ~/Sources/xorg

No password is needed, just type Enter.
  • Checkout and install util/macros module :

cvs -z3 co util/macros cd util/macros ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr && make && sudo make install

  • Use ati-1-0-branch branch of the ati driver :

cd ~/Sources/xorg cvs -z3 co -r ati-1-0-branch driver/xf86-video-ati cd driver/xf86-video-ati ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr && make && sudo make install

Xorg config for 1680x1050 panel

  • Use the xorg.conf available at bersace03. This xorg.conf work for the 20" widescreen. If you use another version, you must use the result of `parse-edid $(find /proc/device-tree -name EDID)` as Screen Section, and use the resolution from `xresprobe radeon` in the `PanelSize` option of the Device Section. You should check xorg.conf and track error in order to spare reboots. Beware, provided xorg.conf use fr layout !!!

GDM reenabling

  • Pray and run your display manager `invocke-rc.d gdm start`. If you are lucky, you will see the charming waiting cursor and then the gdm prompt. Eurêka !!
  • If it work, enable your diplays manager with `dpkg-reconfigure gdm`.


  • If you get a blank screen, reboot. Try to play with radeon(4) options in xorg.conf. Send feedbacks. This is where `openssh-server` is usefull !

Getting AirPortExtrem working

Since kernel 2.6.17-rc3-git12 shiped at bersace03, bcm43xx driver is build as module. To get your AirPortExtrem wifi card working, do the following :

  • Install bcm43xx-fwcutter from universe.
  • mount your Macintosh HD volume at e.g. /media/MacOSX
  • extract firmwares with the following command :
# bcm43xx-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware/ /media/MacOSX/System/Library/Extensions/AppleAirPort2.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleAirPort2
  • reload bcm43xx.
# modprobe -r bcm43xx
# modprobe bcm43xx
  • iwlist and iwconfig complain about wireless extension version conflict. Thus, scanning does not work, but you can still configure eth1 with iwconfig and ifconfig :
# iwconfig eth1 essid <your essid> key <your wep key if any>
# dhclient eth1
  • To have this working every time, edit /etc/network/interfaces and add the following lines :
iface eth1 inet dhcp
        wireless-essid <your essid
        wireless-key <your wep key if any>

auto eth1

see for more : [WifiDocs/Device/AirportExtreme]


The fans still run at the maximum speed, Airport Extreme support is not compiled, but this is a great step toward support those last PPC boxes from Apple. 

EDIT: Airport Extreme works in Feisty.

Thanks to Benjamin Herrenschmidt for his help and work for supporting various PPC boxes.
