


Wikibot讨论 | 贡献2007年12月5日 (三) 12:00的版本

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To install the latest version go to http://k9copy.sourceforge.net/ and download the tarball of the latest version of the source (k9copy-1.0.4-2.tar.gz) to your home folder. There is also a new beta version that you can try if you wish. Next, install the necessary development packages via apt-get or your preferred package manager.

sudo apt-get install libdvdread3-dev kdebase-dev kdelibs4-dev libqt3-mt-dev qt3-dev-tools libqt3-headers libjpeg62-dev build-essential checkinstall

After installing the necessary development packages, extract the k9copy source archive, build the source, and build and install the deb.

tar xvfz k9copy*
cd k9copy*
sudo checkinstall -D make install

Answer all questions with their default answer by hitting Enter. When you are done, K9copy should be installed and you can start it from the command line by typing


If this does not work, try creating a link to K9copy with:

sudo ln -s /usr/local/kde/bin/k9copy /usr/bin/k9copy

When you are sure that K9Copy is working you can clean up the source directory with the following:

cd k9copy*
make distclean
cd ..
rm -R k9copy*
rm k9copy*