


Wikibot讨论 | 贡献2007年11月30日 (五) 21:12的版本

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How to get your Razer Copperhead's extra buttons working

I have not yet found linux drivers for the Razer Copperhead mouse, so any custom button macros and profiles must be set up in Windows using the Copperhead's driver utility. Installing new firmware also requires using the driver utility in Windows. What's very nice about this mouse is that all settings are stored in the mouse's onboard memory! This means you can tweak it in windows, save your profiles to the mouse, and then boot up linux and it just works! Open up a terminal and execute the following:

cd /etc/X11
gksudo gedit xorg.conf

Edit your xorg.conf

To get your extra buttons working correctly, and set up the higher polling rate and dpi settings, find the "Core Pointer's InputDevice" section, and change it to look like this:

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier  "Configured Mouse"
Driver      "mouse"
Option      "Name"          "Razer Copperhead"
Option      "Vendor"        "Razer"
Option      "CorePointer"
Option      "Protocol"      "ExplorerPS/2"
Option      "ZAxisMapping"  "4 5"
Option      "Device"        "/dev/input/mice"
Option      "Buttons"       "7"
Option      "ZAxisMapping"  "6 7"
Option      "ButtonMapping" "1 2 3 6 7"
Option      "Resolution"    "2000" #other valid values: 400, 800, 1800
Option      "SampleRate"    "1000Hz" #other valid values: 125, 500
Option      "Emulate3Buttons" "false" #set to true if you want leftclick+rightclick to act like middleclick 

There may be some stuff that is commented out after the inital 'Option' settings, so if you wish you may leave this as is, and just add the new changed lines anywhere in the body of the "InputDevice" section. Because this mouse supports a resolution of 2000dpi and a polling rate of 1000Hz, I have set the "Resolution" and "SampleRate" options to their maximum values. I'm assuming that if you wish to use any other supported polling rate for this mouse, you can modify them accordingly. Now your mouse buttons should work as expected, mouse4 and mouse5 can be used as forward/back in Firefox :) This is tested to work on Edgy, Feisty and Gutsy.