
Wikibot留言 | 贡献2007年11月30日 (五) 16:42的版本

{{#ifexist: :Dell-d400/zh | | {{#ifexist: Dell-d400/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:Dell-d400|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:Dell-d400|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

This is based on my experience and tips getting Kubuntu working with wifi on my Dell D400. Installing Kubuntu on my laptop, and getting it all into a good state, wasn't as easy as it should be yet, so I'll outline what it took for me. I'm doing most of this from memory, so correct anything that doesn't work! 'Out of the box' in Ubuntu/Kubuntu, at the moment, wifi doesn't work for this laptop. This is largely because Dell are bastards that need to ensure Linux compatibility in all their models, but don't. So they don't have the drivers for the wifi readily available for Linux. However, making this worse is licensing technicalities that prevent my Kubuntu CD having the hacked *windows* driver dll from being used, so it has to be downloaded separately. I installed Kubuntu using an external Dell CDROM / DVD drive, that I brought on eBay. The main issue for me was getting wifi working, along with my proxy. I got out a network cable and hooked into my housemate's wifi router and hub combo. After Kubuntu was installed... I have a proxy I have to use, so I added it to the bash login file ".bash_login". You should be able to do this from your home directory by running kate with super user (SU) permissions, so run konsole and enter "kdesu kate .bash_login" "export http_proxy=http://wwwcache.aber.ac.uk:8080" <-- this was added to the end of the file. To enact this, you'll have to save it and reload konsole. Here is a tip for running konsole: use Katapult by pressing alt+space then type kon, and hit enter! I also added the same proxy settings to the system settings. After that was out the way, I could get everything needed to get my wifi working! lspci | grep Broadcom\ Corporation This looks at hardware devices, and does a grep filter, to see if your Dell D400's wifi device in there, if it is: continue with this (if it doesn't you may had a D400 with slightly different spec so look into that): sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter rmmod bcm43xx sudo rmmod bcm43xx sudo modprobe bcm43xx and after doing that I connected to a local network,thus wifi is now working fine in Linux under kubuntu/ubuntu kde! I unpluged the LAN cable, and I was set free! Here is a command, that really shows you why you should be using Linux: sudo apt-get install (insert program name here) I used it to install Beagle desktop search, Firefox and the Synaptic package manager, among other things. Given my newly found linux wifi freedom, I set up Skype like so: running synaptic and adding: deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free to it's repository list, and searched and added skype. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype for more info! I'm 20, and I've been using Windows in varying forms since I was 8 or so, which means I'll readily press alt-space-c to close a program, or alt-space-n to minimize. By default, this is a problem in Kubuntu, because alt-space triggers Katapult. I switched this to alt-c instead, by pressing alt-space and then ctrl+c, and selecting 'configure global shortcuts' from the menu that Katapult presents. After this I went to the KDE menu > System Settings > Keyboard and Mouse > Keyboard Shortcuts, and set the 'Windows Operations Menu' to alt-space, just like I'm used to. Now using my laptop feels comfortable again. As a side note, I was unable to get VMware Player or Vmware Server working, so I explored other options, and came up better than before: VirtualBox rocks! It's install is pretty easy, the only thing you really have to do is add yourself to a special user group, that are permitted access to the virtual machine.