
Oneleaf留言 | 贡献2007年5月15日 (二) 05:13的版本 (New page: {{From|https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Usplash/DapperPropositions}} {{Languages|UbuntuWiki:Usplash/DapperPropositions}} This page is meant to act as central repository for propositions for usplash...)
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{{#ifexist: :UbuntuWiki:Usplash/DapperPropositions/zh | | {{#ifexist: UbuntuWiki:Usplash/DapperPropositions/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:UbuntuWiki:Usplash/DapperPropositions|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:UbuntuWiki:Usplash/DapperPropositions|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

This page is meant to act as central repository for propositions for usplash images to appear in Dapper Drake. Please list your propositions here. Once a reasonable amount of screens have been created, we should have a vote on it. Keep a close watch on this page and the ubuntu-art mailing list for more information!

<tablestyle="width:80%; background:#F1F1ED; margin: 0 0 1em 1em;">IconsPage?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=IconNote.png The results of the vote for usplash, the default wallpapers and default themes are in. See this post for details. Go to UbuntuWiki:DapperArtVoteResults for the voting statistics.


{i} NOTE: propositions that go beyond just changing the underlying image and palette should go to UbuntuWiki:Usplash/EdgyPropositions.


In the hopes of finalizing this submission page, we require the following:

  • A 16 color PNG img. No exceptions.
  • The background must be black, and must be the 0th index in the palette.
  • The image may be displayed centered in a large sea of black, so should not rely on filling the entire screen.
  • Provide a sample image with text and progress bar colors based on your palette. The palette need not be aligned, but care and attention must be given to the final look when presented in usplash. Help for design listed here.
  • Resolution must be 640x400. Note that your image will be displayed at a 4:3 aspect ratio in usplash, so please accomodate accordingly.
    • To further clarify: this means that you should make your screens at 640x480 and then downscale it to 640x400 after you're done. Don't worry about it looking squished; the BIOS will upscale it back to the correct size. Make sure that the downscaled version looks well-dithered, too.
  • Always keep full-color and possibly layered original versions of the splash screens that you make. Preferably upload them someplace, too. Chances are that we might not be stuck with the 16-color 640x400 limitation forever.
  • Your themes must abide by the following 16 colour palette limitations. Please provide a sample for each colour index so that art team members can judge accordingly.
  • It is strongly advised that you test your boot splash to make certain that the colours display correctly. Again, see listed here.

Palette Considerations

<:> Palette Index <:> Usage Description
<:> 0 <:> Background color and text background colour. Must be black.
<:> 1 <:> Progress bar foreground colour.
<:> 2 <:> Right text status foreground colour.
<:> 4 <:> Progress bar background colour.
<:> 8 <:> Left text status foreground colour.
<:> 13 <:> Right text status failure foreground colour.


Keybuk's Notes

  • #usplash16couleurs: aspect ratio is wrong, would not work if hardware adds a black border to the right of the image, includes change of font
  • #usplash2: as above
  • #usplash3: as above
  • #ubuntu-logo-light: doesn't have a black background
  • #kubuntu-logo-light: doesn't have a black background
  • #edubuntu-logo-light: doesn't have a black background
  • #xubuntu-logo-light: doesn't have a black background

Distilled Index for ArtTeam

Thumbnailed Distilled Index Here


Anchor(v550_ubunturatio) DapperPropositions?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=v550_ubunturatio.png
Anchor(v550tl_ubuntu) DapperPropositions?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=v550tl_ubuntu.png
What else do I have to say? At least that ugly one is gone...

My design can also be easily applied to the other forks:
Anchor(v550_kubunturatio) DapperPropositions?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=v550_kubunturatio.png
Anchor(v550_eduratio) DapperPropositions?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=v550_eduratio.png


I made this neutral theme to be desktop theme agnostic (some prefer Human, other Tangerine, etc.). I use official distros colors from various *ubuntuArtwork wikipages. It's kind of 0.2-1 sucessor. I added kind of reflect to keep a link with breezy usplash.

Anchor(ubuntu-logo) ubuntu-logo-dark.640x400.png Anchor(kubuntu-logo) kubuntu-logo-dark.640x400.png Anchor(edubuntu-logo) edubuntu-logo-dark.640x400.png Anchor(xubuntu-logo) xubuntu-logo-dark.640x400.png

Logo Light

I made this set of splash with light background and a real reflect (not a spot effect). That themes are hardly inspired by excellent Frank Schoep work. (see Usplash/EdgyProposition). One more time, i picked up the background color from distros artwork itself and desaturate them to enlight the background. Don't know if dapper usplash allow such theme. I test these colours with somebody, but color choosing can be improving. That's just mockup.

Anchor(ubuntu-logo-light) ubuntu-logo-light.640x400.png Anchor(kubuntu-logo-light) kubuntu-logo-light.640x400.png Anchor(edubuntu-logo-light) edubuntu-logo-light.640x400.png Anchor(xubuntu-logo-light) xubuntu-logo-light.640x400.png

Various shapes are available at http://bersace03.free.fr/pub/ubuntu/dapper/usplash/ .


Here is a pic based on viper550s work but it uses the colors from the branded logo (made as SVG, so the reflection is not so nice yet)

Note that all of my pics are already prescaled (ie. already at 640 by 400 with 4 to 3 aspect ratio) and colormapped but not adjusted for use

Anchor(test6a) test6a.png

And here is another one, with a better reflection and no gradients, just 3d stuff

Anchor(test7a) test7a.png

and one more, just for fun...

Anchor(test8a) test8a.png


This is a PNG (16 colours) but the original mockup is made as SVG

Anchor(usplash16couleurs) usplash16couleurs.png

Orange like actual usplash

Anchor(usplash2) usplash2.png

Orange like dapper gnome theme

Anchor(usplash3) usplash3.png

This usplash is done, the so file can be downloaded at http://ftpmerou.free.fr/ubuntu/usplash-artwork.so

Anchor(usplash-artwork) usplash-artwork.png

Michiel Sikma (Michiel3)

NOTE: these usplash screens are OLD! Look at the bottom of the page for recent ones. Some extra splash screens. All based off of the original brown splash screens, but with Tangerine colors and some variation. The colors I chose have been nuanced to ensure that it fits in quite well with both Tangerine and LegacyHuman. I also performed some minor tweaking to the dithering after the images were finished to make sure there aren't any ugly spots.

Unscaled thumbnail Scaled screenshot (640x400, 16 colors) Comments
newsuggestion_0_THUMB.png newsuggestion_0_8_SCALED.png Remake of the old logo with new colors. The reason why I picked these colors is because I feel the splash screen shouldn't be as warm as most of the other propositions seem to be. Letting a logo in this situation have warm colors might cause it to get "drowned" by the black for being too dark. A logo such as this one should, in my opinion, look bright and confident. Full color/unscaled, 16 colors/unscaled, Full color/scaled.
newsuggestion_1_THUMB.png newsuggestion_1_8_SCALED.png Same as above, but with 6.06 version number. The font for the numbers didn't look very well at full size, so I downscaled it to only be as high as the font's x-height. Full color/unscaled, 16 colors/unscaled, Full color/scaled.
newsuggestion_2_THUMB.png newsuggestion_2_8_SCALED.png Just the logo, and a little larger. This is my favorite so far. Full color/unscaled, 16 colors/unscaled, Full color/scaled.
kde_newsuggestion_2_THUMB.png kde_newsuggestion_2_8_SCALED.png KDE variation of the proposition above. Full color/unscaled, 16 colors/unscaled, Full color/scaled.
edu_newsuggestion_2_THUMB.png edu_newsuggestion_2_8_SCALED.png EDU variation of the proposition above. Full color/unscaled, 16 colors/unscaled, Full color/scaled.

New as of 17th May 2006

Logo Light

ubuntu-logo-light-sample.png I set the right text color in order that the 'ok' isn't visible (even if it uses as slightly different tone). That's a kind of 'clean up'. I use a font that is not the default usplash font. d_final picture


DapperPropositions?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=d_final_v550_ubuntu.png D_Final Version

DapperPropositions?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=v550_sample.png Sample Version

Viper550's work, you guessed it... The D_Final features the correct pallete, rearranged to work with Usplash

Michiel3 usplashes

newsuggestion_0_8_SCALED_BAR_ALT.png Same as my propositions above. I hope mine's included! I think that it's a good thing that the logo is slightly similar to the old one, but with new colors that go with both LegacyHuman and Tangerine, and much better dithering than the old one. See all other images here, including full-color ones. Direct link to splash screen without text.
kde_newsuggestion_0_8_SCALED_BAR.png Same as my propositions above, but for Kubuntu. See all other images here, including full-color ones. Direct link to splash screen without text.
edu_newsuggestion_0_8_SCALED_BAR.png Same as my propositions above, but for Edubuntu. See all other images here, including full-color ones. Direct link to splash screen without text.
xu_newsuggestion_0_8_SCALED_BAR.png Same as my propositions above, but for Xubuntu. See all other images here, including full-color ones. Direct link to splash screen without text.

Joel Bryan T. Juliano

Modern Metallic, 16 colors, 640x400


Caramel Contemporary Wood, 16 colors, 640x400


Portable Cylindrical Cannon that you point to Microsoft, 16 colors, 640x400


Troy James Sobotka