
Arthur2e5留言 | 贡献2016年4月11日 (一) 03:01的版本
运行 LibreMisaka 2.1 的机器,类似于 misaka-4e22。请参阅 about.me/arthur2e5


* doc_reader 1.4 (BrainIR input + search)
* Ctrl+F 1.2
  * ERE 1.3
* doc_writer 0.2 <tt>lang.reducefromIR(ir, msk::lang::doc_mode)</tt>
* Brain IR 0.4, supported convertors: [Wikipedia Babel Notation]
  * zh-N
    * zh_TW-3
  * en-3 (98/120)
  * Programming Languages:
    * POSIX shells and extensions - 3
      * bash - 4
      * zsh  - 2
      * ksh  - 2
    * C - 3 (parse and eval)
    * Object Oriented Components:
       * C++ - 2   (oh it seems that I can read templates)
       * ES6 - 2.5 (prpprprpprprprpprototype, see also 'lambda')
    * Function-ish:
       * LISP - 2  (parse and eval)
* Human Emulation Layer 
  * Currently aggressive to nonsense.
* Docs:
  * Devel
    * gettext commands (common)
    * bash texinfo     (chap 3)

<source lang=css>@-moz-document domain("wiki.ubuntu.org.cn") { textarea {

   font-family: monospace;

} p {

   letter-spacing: inherit;

} p {

   letter-spacing: inherit;


  1. content {
   line-height: inherit;



   font-size: inherit;

} }</source>