


Wikibot讨论 | 贡献2009年5月14日 (四) 17:55的版本

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Ubuntu System Panel (USP)

Ubuntu System Panel is a project that was started to make a custom panel applet for Ubuntu. It is similar to Novell's Slab menu, but has tons more features and plugins. It is written entirely in Python, and is supported on Dapper, Edgy and Feisty. USP?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=screenshot.png


The current stable version is 0.41. However, the v2 alpha release is very stable, and will be released soon. I will show you how to install that version. First, download the .deb package from here. You will need to be root to install the package. You can either double-click the package and open it with GDebi, or you can run the following from the command line:

sudo dpkg -i Desktop/usp_1.91_all.deb