
Wikibot留言 | 贡献2009年5月12日 (二) 19:07的版本
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{{#ifexist: :Torsmo/zh | | {{#ifexist: Torsmo/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:Torsmo|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:Torsmo|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

Install Package

First we have to install the package:

   apt-get install torsmo

Make Configuration File

Move to user directory, unzip the example and rename it:

   cp /usr/share/doc/torsmo/examples/torsmorc.example.gz ~/
   gunzip torsmorc.example.gz
   mv torsmorc.example.gz .torsmorc

As user you are able to start torsmo by typing:


Display your ip-address

You can get torsmo to display your ip-address. Put this into a script called ~/.torsmo_ip File: ~/.torsmo_ip

   /sbin/ifconfig | awk '/P-t-P/ { split($2, x, /:/); print x[2]; exit; }'

Change it to be executable:

   chmod 775 ~/.torsmo_ip

And make sure to change "P-t-P" to the identifier that /sbin/ifconfig gives, "P-t-P" is for dialup, "inet addr" for networkcards. So the file will look like this: File: ~/.tormo_ip

   /sbin/ifconfig eth0 | awk '/inet addr/ { split($2, x, /:/); print x[2]; exit; }'

Where "eth0" is the networkcard of which you want to display the ip-address. Then, in your ~/.torsmorc, after the TEXT, put the following: File: ~/.torsmorc

   ip: ${execi 180 ~/.torsmo_ip}

Weather Display

Local weather condition can also be displayed. Write a script named tweather.sh: File: ~/tweather.sh


   lynx -accept_all_cookies -dump $location > $file
   begin=`cat -n $file | grep "Currently" | cut -d ' ' -f5`
   end=`expr $begin + 40`

   head -n $end $file > tmp.t
   tail -n 41 tmp.t > $file

   case $1 in
      Today)  head -n 6 $file | sed '3d' ;;
         begin=`cat -n $file | grep 'Today Tomorrow' | cut -d ' ' -f5`
         end=`cat -n $file | grep 'Extended' | cut -d ' ' -f5`
         num=`expr $end - $begin - 1`
         end2=`expr $begin + 7`

         head -n $end2 $file > tmp.t
         tail -n 3 tmp.t | sed 's/sky/\n sky/' | sed '4d' ;;
      *) exit ;;

   rm tmp.t
   rm $file

And place this, somewhere below TEXT in your .torsmorc

   ${color grey}Weather:
   $color${execi 1800 /home/username/tweather.sh Today}
   $color   Tomorrow:
   $color${execi 1800 /home/username/tweather.sh Tomorrow}

"city" can be renamed to your city. Look at the weather condition of your city at weather.yahoo.com, take the last part of the link and put it in the script after "link". Note: Make sure "lynx" is installed.

   apt-get install lynx

Logged-in Users

Here is a script if you are running an SSH server and like to keep tabs on whos logged on at any given time. Put the following code into a script named ~/.torsmo_users: File: ~/.torsmo_users

   who | awk '{print $1}' | uniq -c | wc -l

Make it an executable:

   chmod 775 ~/.torsmo_users

Then, in your ~/.torsmorc, after TEXT, search for a nice place to display the current number of logged-in users: File: ~/.torsmorc

   Current users: ${execi 8 ~/.torsmo_users}


Taken from the http://torsmo.sourceforge.net/ site of the writers of this program: "Drawing to root or some other desktop window directly doesn't work with all window managers. Especially doesn't work well with Gnome and it has been reported that it doesn't work with KDE either. Nautilus can be disabled from drawing to desktop with program gconf-editor. Uncheck show_desktop in /apps/nautilus/preferences/. There is -w switch in torsmo to set some specific window id. You might find xwininfo -tree useful to find the window to draw to. You can also use -o argument which makes torsmo to create its own window." What I did, to make it work well, is: Uncheck the show_desktop in /apps/nautilus/preferences/

   Menu Bar: Applications > System Tools > Configuration Editor

Start Torsmo when I log in:

   Menu Bar: System > Preferences > Sessions
   Go to the "Startup Programs"-tab > Add > Startup Command: torsmo

This is my .torsmorc