
Wikibot留言 | 贡献2008年12月16日 (二) 19:08的版本 (新页面: {{From|https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JohnAho}} {{Languages|UbuntuHelp:JohnAho}} I am a sometimes linux geek from a while ago. My homepage is [http://www.johnaho.com here]. and my emai...)
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I am a sometimes linux geek from a while ago. My homepage is here. and my email is John dot Aho AT Gmail dot com.<
> I was hardheaded enough to keep going with linux installs when I probably shouldn't. Suse on a 386 16 with 8mb of memory? and a failed hard drive? That took me a bit to figure out. <
> I was about to install the Ubuntu Netbook Remix and it gave me an warning message that was scary."instaling will format entire hard drive". I couldn't have that so here's how I created a dual boot system with XP Home and Hardy Heron on my Acer Aspire One.<
Here's how I did it:<
> Warning!!! if you have data you want to keep on your xp partition back it up beforehand. I never have had problems with resizing windows xp partitions with GPARTD but your mileage may vary. <
> 1. Installed systemrescuecd on a usb drive.<
> 2. Reboot/turn on the computer and press F12 to select your USB drive.<
> 3. Press enter to boot systemrescue linux<
> 4. Follow on-screen instructions on how to load the graphical interface.<
> 5. Run Gpartd which is an awesome partition handling tool. Partition magick eat your heart out.<
> 6. Resize your main windows partition smaller at the end. 20GB is good.<
> 7. Create a 18gb linux file partition and select its mount point as / and select format.<
> 8. Create a swap partition of the free space.<
> 9. Apply changes<

10. Reboot and check that windows runs fine.*it should*<
> 11. Download ubnetbootin from sourceforge<
> 12. Install Ubuntu 8.04 live on a usb thumbdrive<
> 13. Reboot the computer with the thumbdrive in and select it.<
> 14. Choose install and install heron the way you want it.<
> 15. Follow the instructions here to get some stuff working: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne <
> 16. Go here and enable compiz. http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Hardy#How_to_enable_Compiz_Fusion_in_Ubuntu <