
UbuntuHelp:Internet Software


Wikibot讨论 | 贡献2008年12月16日 (二) 19:03的版本 (新页面: {{From|https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet%20Software}} {{Languages|UbuntuHelp:Internet%20Software}} <pre><nowiki> Work in progress. If this hasn't been edited for over 30 days you...)

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Work in progress. If this hasn't been edited for over 30 days you can do what ever you want with it. Until then, please leave your comments in the comments section.

For software that is already found in the repository. Currently there is one section about the BloGTK program. If more will be added , freely move the specific section to another wikipage if it clutters this page enough.

BloGTK Weblog Client 1.1 Tutorial

In Add/Remove Under Applications -> Internet -> BloGTK Weblog Client BloGTK Weblog Client 1.1 Tutorial (for Wordpress) When the program starts, it shows 2 windows:

  • One is "BloGTK Accounts and Preferences"
  • "BloGTK 1.1"

1. Select the "BloGTK Accounts and Preferences" window. 2. In the "Server URL:" field type your wordpress URL: For example http://yourblog.wordpress.com/ and at the end add "xmlrpc.php" so it looks like this:

"http://yourblog.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php". 3. Fill in your username and password. 4. In the section where it says "Blogging system" make sure that "Movable Type" is selected.

-Notice that where it says "Select Account" it says "Default" in the field. I just mention this for assurance...nothing special. 5. Press the "Save" button. 6. Press the "OK" button.

Now we have only one window open which is "BloGTK 1.1". 1. From menu File , select Connect. It might take a few seconds, or more for it to connect. 2. Now that it's connected you may post a new blog entry. For this example type in the Title field "Using BloGTK to post to this blog". 3. In the Entry field type: "Test". 4. Select the checkbox which says "Publish Entry" 5. Click the button called "Post Entry". (this will publish your blog post)

Later if you get a pop-up saying "Entry Posted. ID = x" (with x being any number), it will mean there was success in posting it!