
Oneleaf留言 | 贡献2007年5月14日 (一) 20:37的版本
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{{#ifexist: :gouki/zh | | {{#ifexist: gouki/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:gouki|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:gouki|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

<tablestyle="float:right; font-size: 0.9em; width:30%; background:#F1F1ED; margin: 0 0 1em 1em;" style="padding:0.5em;"> Launchpad: gouki
IRC: gouki (irc.freenode.net)
Cell Phone: +351 96 873 73 83
eMail: [email protected]
2(> GPG: 0x3482BA17 @ MIT
0x3482BA17 @ GoukiHQ
Homepage: http://goukihq.org/
Weblog: http://blog.goukihq.org/

About me

My name is Tiago Faria and my nickname is gouki. I was born and raised on Portugal - Azores - Terceira and moved to the mainland (Lisbon) when I was 20.

I'm a GNU/Linux user and FLOSS advocate. Registered GNU/Linux user, number 424969.

I started using Ubuntu GNU/Linux on May, 2006. Since then I changed every aspect of my life. Even thought I was aware of the FLOSS movement, I was never a part of it. By starting to use Ubuntu and realizing it's capabilities I became as much involved as I could on the whole community. Not only Ubuntu's but every other project that interested me.

I'm a strong defender of privacy and encourage the widespread use of strong cryptography.

I have three big passions: Ubuntu GNU/Linux; Information Security; 24 (yeah, the TV show)

I'm always available to help on new projects.

My contributions to Ubuntu GNU/Linux

Regarding the teams I'm part of, you can check my Launchpad profile. I'll try and keep this sections cleaner.

{*} Websites

UbuntuWeblogs was an idea I had for several weeks, but only started working on it at 2006 Christmas night. The idea is to create a Planet of Ubuntu GNU/Linux users. Unlike the official Planet Ubuntu, which is restricted to Ubuntu members, this Planet is 'open' to whoever writes about Ubuntu.

I'm the founder and maintainer of the website.

UbuntuStats Currently down for improvements! started as personal project to create statistics about the #Ubuntu channel on FreeNode. After talking to the IRC Council, who liked and approved my idea, I changed from monitoring one channel to monitoring seventeen.

It basically works as follows:

A bot (using IRSSI) gathers logs from the channels in question. These logs are parsed by IRSSISTATS into nice looking HTML pages, which are stored on the channel's appropriate folder on /var/www/, which uses LighTTPD for Web server.

I'm the founder and maintainer of the website.

{*} Wiki Pages

I contributed to the following:

HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - IBM X41 - Dapper Drake
HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - Acer 8104WLMI - Dapper Drake
HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - Acer 4021WLMI - Dapper Drake

{*} Support

I provide support in Portuguese on the Ubuntu-PT mailing list, Launchpad and IRC channel on FreeNode (#ubuntu-pt). English support on the official support channel (#ubuntu) and Launchpad.

{*} Translations

I'm a member of the Portuguese Ubuntu Translators and I'm currently active on the translation of Dapper Drake (6.06). My goal is to fully translate this version of Ubuntu within the next few months.

Portuguese UWN (same server as Ubuntu Stats, so it's also down)- I currently own and maintain a Sobby server where the translation of Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter takes place.

{*} Installation Reports

All my installation reports are with laptops. Even though the information can be found on the HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops I also maintain a list of all my installation reports, which can be found here.

{*} BETA Testing

Launchpad new UI

{*} Future help on Ubuntu

One thing I will start working in a near future is packaging. There are several applications (some are not well known) that I would love to see on the repositories.

Other than packaging, I'll also start working with bugs as soon as possible.

I have several certifications and I'm currently studying for LPI. I plan on taking the Ubuntu Certified Professional exam as soon as possible and I'll do my best to alert people for this new certification and increase the number of Ubuntu Certified Professionals.