
Wikibot留言 | 贡献2008年10月19日 (日) 16:50的版本

{{#ifexist: :PHPEclipse/zh | | {{#ifexist: PHPEclipse/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:PHPEclipse|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:PHPEclipse|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

Note:Eclipse is now available in the Universe repository. See : UbuntuHelp:EclipseIDE


This installation guide will install PHPEclipse into an Eclipse installation in your home directory or in the /opt directory (depending of your EclipseIDE installation method) PHPEclipse is able to controll MySQL as well as Apache, and using dbg as a debugger. See below for instructions on controlling Apache using PHPEclipse.

Automated Installation

An automated installation of PHPEclipse is available via the Eclipse Update Manager.

  1. Start Eclipse as root, $sudo eclipse or $sudo -s then #eclipse
  2. Click on Help->Software Updates->Find/Install from file menu in Eclipse.
  3. Select the radio button labeled, "search for new features to install".
  4. Click on the "New Remote Site" button.
  5. Enter a name, and the URL: http://update.phpeclipse.net/update/nightly
  6. Click on "Finish".
  7. A list of features will be presented, open the list and check the one labeled "phpeclipse".
  8. Click on "Next"
  9. Follow the onscreen instructions to finish the automatic install.

Ubuntu Feisty 7.04 Fix

When you try to edit a .php file using the PHPeclipse editor, you will get an error message that tells you to look in the log. This problem arises due to problem with the default JVM used in Feisty. To fix the problem:

  1. Close eclipse and at the bash prompt:
  2. sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre libxext6-dbg
  3. sudo nano -w /etc/eclipse/java_home
  4. Insert /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun on the line above /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj
  5. Close and save the file


This document assumes you have a running Eclipse installed as described in UbuntuHelp:EclipseIDE. PHPEclipse is a plugin to Eclipse and should be placed in the $HOME/opt/eclipse/plugins directory for the personnal installation or /opt/eclipse/plugins for the global installation. The PHPEclipse project is located at www.phpeclipse.de and you will find the zipped plugin files here.

  • Download the latest release (PHPEclipse1.1.3-2005-01-29 when this document where written) to your favorite download directory. Then change directory to the eclipse directory (personnal installation):
$ cd ~/opt/eclipse

or (global installation)

$ cd /opt/eclipse
  • Unzip the previously downloaded PHPEclipse plugin (use sudo if you used the EclipseIDE global installation method):
$ unzip ~/your_download_dir/PHPEclipse1.1.3-2005-01-29.zip

(substitute your_download_dir and zip file name to fit your system)

  • The plugin is now installed but "Eclipse 3.x caches all plugin.xml files into a single repository for quicker loading. If you used eclipse before installing PHPeclipse, you should start eclipse once with the -clean option. This -clean forces Eclipse to rebuild that repository. This applies to anything that is installed into eclipse by unzipping it into its plugins folder.":
$ eclipse -clean

Next time you may start Eclipse your favorite way, without the -clean option.

Controlling Apache from Eclipse

Configuring Apache

The first thing you'll want to do is have a working Apache install see UbuntuHelp:ApacheMySQLPHP for details. The assumption is that you're installing Apache on a workstation that is seperate from your production web server. In your favorite text editor open /etc/apache2/sites-available/default change DocumentRoot to somewhere in your home directory:

DocumentRoot /home/<username>/work


<Directory /home/<username>/work/>

Note: the above is just an example of my work environment change the path accordingly. Also, the PHP Browser that is part of PHPEclipse by default wants to open http://localhost/php/your_script. and reload Apache to recognize the new configuration:

/etc/init.d/apache2 reload

Configure PHPEclipse for Apache

Now that we have Apache configured for our development environment we can configure PHPEclipse to control Apache. First open Eclipse and click on:

Window > Preferences > PHPeclipse Web Development

This opens the PHPEclipse options dialog. First click on PHP External Tools there's two things to change Run PHP command and Parser command:

Run PHP command default is /apache/php/php

change this to: 


Parser command default is /apache/php/php -l -f {0}

change to:

/usr/bin/php -l -f {0}

Note: you'll need the php5-cli package installed for this to work. Add a line to /etc/sudoers to allow admins to control apache2 without entering a password

sudo visudo

Append the following line
%admin ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/apache2

Create a simple script to run apache2 via sudo

mkdir /home/<username>/bin
vi /home/<username>/bin/apache2

sudo /usr/sbin/apache2 $*

Next click on Apache under PHP External Tools where we'll need to change the Apache and Start Apache values:

Change Start Apache to:
-k start

and Apache to:

Then click Ok to apply. To start Apache from Eclipse simply click the Start Apache icon.


Write about controlling MySQL as well as using dbg. Note: this guide has been tested on Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty) and Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy).