
Wikibot留言 | 贡献2007年12月8日 (六) 09:43的版本

{{#ifexist: :Installation/Sparc/zh | | {{#ifexist: Installation/Sparc/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:Installation/Sparc|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:Installation/Sparc|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}


This page describes an network install of Ubuntu 6.06.1 on a Sun Fire T2000 server which features the UltraSPARC T1 (Niagara) processor from a Solaris system. There is a fair amount of Solaris and T2000 specific information included, but all SPARC installs are similar and Linux users will find much of this information useful.

Dapper does not support T2000 rev 2

In order to install Ubuntu on T2000 rev 2 of the hardware you will need at least Edgy.

Getting the installer booted

This install uses the netboot method as described in Installation/Netboot. These instructions describe the differences for SPARC.

  • Make sure your T2000 has the latest firmware on it. Earlier hardware needs to be updated through the service processor (which is fairly easy to do). The instructions are for installing the upgrade in this was described in this patch, but the newest firware at time of writing is here.

I did my upgrade as follows:

sc> flashupdate -s -f /tftpboot/123482-01/Sun_System_Firmware-6_2_0-Sun_Fire_T2000.bin

SC Alert: System poweron is disabled.
Username: root
Password: *******


Update complete. Reset device to use new software.
sc> resetsc
Are you sure you want to reset the SC [y/n]?  y
User Requested SC Shutdown
sc> Connection to closed by foreign host.
  • Download the sparc netboot image
  • Configure the system to network boot. I had problems getting DHCP to work so ended up using RARP. To do that put the T2000's MAC address into /etc/ethers, enable ARP: svcadm enable rarp. You then need to work out what the file name the client will attempt to download via tftp. You can either calculate the hex value of the IP address or you can do it manually as follows.

Connect to the console of the T2000 and kick off a network boot while listening on your server with snoop: In one window connected to your boot server start snoop (or tcpdump on Linux) listening to traffic from the T2000. Wait for the TFTP Read request, this gives you a file name.

root@storage6-51 # snoop 00:14:4F:02:88:70
Using device /dev/bge0 (promiscuous mode)
OLD-BROADCAST -> (broadcast)  RARP C Who is 0:14:4f:2:88:70 ?
 storage6-51 -> t2000-1      RARP R 0:14:4f:2:88:70 is, t2000-1
     t2000-1 -> BROADCAST    TFTP Read "819F3318" (octet)

In another window kick off a boot:

Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.

Sun(tm) Advanced Lights Out Manager CMT v1.0.1

Please login: admin
Please Enter password: *****

sc> break -y
sc> console
Enter #. to return to ALOM.

{0} ok boot net

SC Alert: Host System has Reset

SC Alert: Host system has shut down.

Sun Fire T200, No Keyboard
Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
OpenBoot 4.19.0, 32760 MB memory installed, Serial #67274864.
Ethernet address 0:14:4f:2:88:70, Host ID: 84028870.

Rebooting with command: boot net
Boot device: /pci@780/pci@0/pci@1/network@0  File and args: 
100 Mbps full duplex  Link up
Requesting Internet Address for 0:14:4f:2:88:70

Drop back to the system controller (press #.), send a break then get back on the console (break -yc).

  • Put the boot.img file downloaded earlier into /tftpboot and create a sybolic link to it with the name the client requested above. Then re-start the network boot on the client with boot net debconf/priority=low DEBIAN_FRONTEND=text BOOT_DEBUG=2. The additional options tell the installer to give you more debug info and aren't strictly neccessary. The "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=text" make installing over the 9600 baud serial link less painful (though only marginally). All things being well you should see the client boot the Ubuntu installer.
  • Be sure to use tftpd, not tftpd-hpa or any other tftpd...

Installer options

  • The installer asks some fairly simple stuff about language and keyboard layout and is documented elsewhere. Following that the network is detected, you may need to manually configure some of the settings if you don't have DHCP set up. If you need a default route to get to your install server or your http proxy you'll need to add it manually here.
  • When the installer has setup the network you are ready to point it to an ubuntu mirror. I used the default mirror for my country (UK) which worked fine. When the installer asks if you want to use a proxy DO NOT LEAVE THIS BLANK unless you have direct access to the internet. Evening if you are doing an install from local images you still need access to the internet as this is the only way the installer seems capable of validating the signed packages! If you don't do this you will get an error message about kernel modules and you won't get much further. You have been warned!
  • Once you get to the partitioning screen, you need to work around the following issue (see also sparc/KnownIssues):

"The first partition at the beginning of the disk cannot be software RAID or LVM. The installer will not offer the options when in manual partitioning mode. Create a 1 MB empty partition at the beginning of the disk and start creating your RAID/LVM partitions from there. This is not a bug but the only known way at the moment to protect the partition table stored in the first 512 bytes of the disk." I created a 1MB partition (which took up about 5MB), then marked it as "do not use", then created a small swap partition (512MB) and made root the size of the rest of the disk.

  • When prompted which kernel to install I selected the default (linux-sparc64-smp).
  • I accepted the default X server driver (fbdev). The T2000 is a server and thus doesn't have a video card by default so it shouldn't matter in this case.

That should be it!