




翻译人员: Summer Zhong





Installing the GNU C compiler and GNU C++ compiler

安装GNU C编译程序和GNU C++编译程序

To install the gcc and g++ compilers, you will need the build-essential package.


This will also install GNU make

这也会安装上GNU make

Installing the GNU Java compiler

安装GNU Java 编译程序

Note that GNU's Java compiler is not the same as the one developed and distributed by Sun Microsystems, and will not provide Java to the firefox browser. For that, please see Java. To install gcj, the GNU Java compiler, install the following package: gcj.

注意GNU的 Java 编译程序与Sun Microsystems 开发和发布的不同,不会提供Java给firefox 浏览器. 对此,可参见Java。 要安装 gcj ,一个GNU Java 编译程序,需要安装下列包:gcj 。

gcj can be used to:

  • compile .java files to bytecode (.class files)
  • compile .java files to a linux-executable

gcj可被用于: 1. 编译 .java 文件生成字节码(.class文件)

  • 编译 .java 文件生成一个可执行的linux文件

To install the GNU Java bytecode interpreter, you need the gij package.

要安装GNU java 字节码 翻译器, 你需要gij包

To have gcj compile to executables, install libgcj6-dev (otherwise an error during compilation occurs: libgcj.spec: No such file or directory). Use synaptic to install libgcj6-dev.

要使 gcj 编译为可执行文件, 请安装 libgcj6-dev (否则编译时会出错:libgcj.spec: 没有此文件或目录)。用新立得安装 libgcj6-dev 。

Installing the GNU Fortran compilers

安装 GNU Fortran 编译程序

To install the GNU Fortran 77 compiler - g77, you need the g77 package.

安装 GNU Fortran 77 编译程序 - g77 , 你需要 g77 安装包。

To install the GNU Fortran 95 compiler - gfortran, the package is: gfortran.

安装GNU Fortran 95 编译程序 - gfortran ,安装包是: gfortran。

Installing the GNU autotools

安装 GNU 自动化工具

To install autoconf and automake, you need the autoconf automake packages.

安装 autoconfautomake ,你需要autoconf automake 的安装包。

Apt-get will tell you to explicitly choose a version of automake. If, for example, you decide to use automake1.9, you need to specify the version, such as the automake1.9 package.

使用Apt-get 需要你选择一个明确的automake版本。 例如,你决定使用 automake1.9, 你需要明确指定该版本,就如 automake1.9 的包。

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