
Wikibot留言 | 贡献2007年12月6日 (四) 10:43的版本

{{#ifexist: :MountIso/zh | | {{#ifexist: MountIso/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:MountIso|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:MountIso|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

Mounting ISO Files


An IsoImage is an image of a CD or DVD disk that can be stored on your computer and used to write to a new disk. It is a simple process to mount an iso image under Ubuntu.


The default mount point under linux is under /media. To mount an iso file here do the following:

sudo mkdir /media/cdimage
sudo mount -o loop myfile.iso /media/cdimage

Where myfile.iso is replaced with the file you want to mount. To mount the image so that it can be written to do the following instead:

sudo mkdir /media/cdimage
sudo mount -o rw,loop myfile.iso /media/cdimage

To unmount the image do this:

sudo umount /media/cdimage
rmdir /media/cdimage

Other Formats

Other formats of CD or DVD images can be converted to iso and then mounted as above.

  • Nero image (.nrg) files can either be converted to iso using nrg2iso or mounted directly using mount.
    • To mount using mount:

sudo mkdir /media/cdimage sudo mount -o loop,offset=307200 myfile.nrg /media/cdimage

    • To install nrg2iso:

sudo apt-get install nrg2iso

    • To convert to iso using nrg2iso:

nrg2iso myfile.nrg myfile.iso

  • Cue/Bin image (.cue/.bin) files must be converted. This can be done using bchunk.
    • To install bchunk:

sudo apt-get install bchunk

    • To convert to iso using bchunk:

bchunk myfile.bin myfile.cue myfile

sudo dpkg -i ccd2iso_0.2-0.1_i386.deb

    • To convert to iso using ccd2iso

ccd2iso myfile.img myfile.iso

  • Alcohol 120% image (.mdf) files can either be converted to iso using mdf2iso or mounted directly using mount.
    • To mount using mount:

sudo mkdir /media/cdimage sudo mount -o loop=/dev/loop0 myfile.iso /media/cdimage

    • To install mdf2iso:

sudo apt-get install mdf2iso

    • To convert to iso using mdf2iso:

mdf2iso myfile.mdf myfile.iso

Other Options

cdemu is a kernel module for mounting Cue/Bin files directly. To install it you would have to install linux-headers, compile the module and modprobe it. This is out of the scope of this page. There is a script under development in the Ubuntu forums for automating the building of cdemu http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=149963. (Use this at your own risk.) "Mount and Unmount ISO images without burning them" has a nice step-by-step explaination (with screenshots) showing how to mount an unmount ISO images.