


Wikibot讨论 | 贡献2007年11月30日 (五) 21:45的版本

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This Howto shows how to make Thunderbird your default e-mailer in GNOME and for Firefox `mailto:` links. Please carry out the following steps:

  • Open the menu on the panel and select System -> Preferences -> Preferred Applications.

Open the Mail Reader tab and select the Custom checkbox. In the text field next to it, enter: `mailto %s` Now, click the Close button.

  • Open a text editor and copy-and-paste the following shell script:
# mailto - handle mailto: links by opening the composer in thunderbird
# Author: Christopher Arndt <chris at chrisarndt dot de>
# find thunderbird executable
for prog in thunderbird mozilla-thunderbird; do
if [ -n "$(which "$prog" 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
if [ -z "$TB" ]; then
echo "Thunderbird executable not found." 2>&1
exit 1
if $TB -remote "ping()" &>/dev/null; then
# strip "mailto:" prefix when using -remote
exec $TB -remote "mailto($CMD)" &>/dev/null
# suppress any output from thunderbird to stdout/stderr
# remove "&>/dev/null" if you don't like this
exec $TB "$@" &>/dev/null
  • Save this shell script to a file named `mailto`.
  • Then open a terminal window, change to the directory where you saved the script and issue the following command:
sudo install mailto /usr/local/bin

This will install the shell script into `/usr/local/bin` and make it executable. Now, when you click on a `mailto:` link in Firefox, Thunderbird will open a new composer window. When Thunderbird is already running, it will not start another instance of Thunderbird, but will just ask Thunderbird to open a new message window. This prevents Thunderbird from trying to open a new instance with a different user profile. If the `mailto` script is started without arguments, and Thunderbird is not already running, it will just open the Thunderbird main window. If it detects a running Thunderbird, it will open a new message window with an empty `To:` address line.