


Oneleaf讨论 | 贡献2007年5月24日 (四) 15:10的版本 (新页面: {{From|https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveryFromBadInstallCD}} {{Languages|UbuntuHelp:RecoveryFromBadInstallCD}} CarlKarsten was in the middle of installing Ubuntu 4.10 in server-exp...)

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CarlKarsten was in the middle of installing Ubuntu 4.10 in server-expert mode. Wireless was up, the box was on the network, and then a dialog came up saying "Couldn't retrieve bsdutils.deb. This may be due to a network problem or a bad CD".

Without starting the installation over, you can pull the .ISO image to the local drive and continue the install from it.

Hit Alt-F2, then Enter, to drop you to a shell prompt.

cd /target
wget http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/releases/4.10/release/warty-install-i386.iso 
umount /cdrom
mount -o loop warty-install-i386.iso /cdrom

If you get a "could not find spare loop device", type `modprobe loop` and try the mount again.

Use only the same image you used to burn the CD. If you are lucky, you have it on a local machine on your network. If you don't have a Web server, you can probably mount it over NFS. Try and see what is available.