
Oneleaf留言 | 贡献2007年5月14日 (一) 10:41的版本

{{#ifexist: :SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows/zh | | {{#ifexist: SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

If you are considering trying Ubuntu, or if you have already made up your mind to switch, welcome! This page is here to make the process as comfortable as possible. It describe differences in behavior between the two systems. When you decide to switch, Transferring Files and Settings shows how to transfer your data.

Ubuntu 7.04

Ubuntu 7.04 can import your Windows bookmarks, favorites, wallpaper, documents, and pictures. It also includes software to read and write files on your Windows drive.

Trying Ubuntu

You can try Ubuntu without installing it, or modifying your computer in any way. Just download Ubuntu, pop the CD into your computer, and reboot (you may need to press a button to ensure your computer starts from the CD).

Ubuntu will run from the CD. Feel free to explore: Nothing on your real system is being changed.

This gives you a chance to get used Ubuntu, which helps you to discover if Ubuntu is right for you, and see how Ubuntu supports your computer's hardware.

You can also try Ubuntu by:

  • Using a friend's Ubuntu installation for a little while
  • Installing Ubuntu into a virtual machine on your existing operating system

Note: Installing Ubuntu onto your hard disk is much faster than the LiveCD, and allows you to install many additional Linux applications.

Installing Ubuntu

Note: While Ubuntu works well, installing an Operating System is a major change to your computer, and we recommend backing up your important data just in case.


You may find it useful to creating a switching plan, such as the example below for a typical home user:

  1. Download and run Ubuntu Live CD
  2. Check the hardware support for my printer, scanner, broadband modem and wireless.
  3. Check out the programs on the LiveCD to do my work
  4. For any remaining needs, check out help.ubuntu.com to find Linux programs

If I decide to install Ubuntu:

  1. Backup my important files, just in case.
  2. Make a list of all my mail and Internet connection settings, user accounts, and saved passwords
  3. Install Ubuntu. Use the Ubuntu 7.04 Migration Assistant to import my documents, pictures, and favorites into Ubuntu.
  4. Use SystemPreferences to set everything up how I like
  5. Install any extra programs through Synaptic

Differences between Ubuntu and Windows

Ubuntu and Windows are very different in many ways. It is important to be aware of them.

Ubuntu Runs Linux Applications

In the same way that Windows only runs software designed for Windows, applications must be made for Linux to be able to run on Ubuntu. Rather than going into a store and buying a boxed version of software, as you are likely to have done with Windows, most Linux software is delivered via the Internet.

By default, Ubuntu comes with a lot of useful software:

  • Firefox web browser - The award-winning web browser with enhanced security, tabs, spell checking, phishing protection, and pop-up blocking that you may already be using.
  • Evolution mail - A full-featured email and personal information manager that is as comfortable sending mail and calendar appointments to your friends at home as it is syncing to your corporate mail server (yes, including Exchange).
  • OpenOffice - open, edit, and save documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and databases in all the most popular formats - including Microsoft Office, Open``Document, PDF, and Flash.

There are thousands upon thousands of Linux applications available for you to use on Ubuntu. See InstallingSoftware for details on how to install new software. See the pages listed below for a small selection of popular applications:

Systems administrators may find Corporate Ubuntu, UbuntuHelp:Servers, and Ubuntu Server Guide of help.

If you are unable to find an alternative to a particular Windows application, you can usually run the Windows application on Ubuntu by installing some extra tools. See Software from Other Operating Systems.

Windows application Linux equivalent Description
DVDShrink K9Copy DVD backup tool with shrinking support!
Nero, Nero Express K3B, GnomeBaker CD/DVD burning tool
iTunes, Winamp, Windows Media Player Amarok, Beep, Exaile, Listen, Rhythmbox, VLC, XMMS Music-player
Logic Audio/Cubase Ardour, RoseGarden Multitrack Recording and Sequencing software

Installing Applications

Windows comes with only a small selection of software which you might want to use on your computer. Ubuntu comes with a useful selection of applications by default, such as an office suite, web browser, and sound and video players.

Install additional software is easy. In Ubuntu, software comes in packages, which you can download from one of Ubuntu's software channels or from a third-party website.

All packages are installed and updated in the same way (a refreshing change from Windows, which usually has the separate apps that monitor and fetch new versions of Acrobat, Java, and other software).

  • When you install a package, you won't need to answer any questions. This means you can install 100 apps as easily as you could install 1.
  • Application packages will appear in the Applications menu, configuration tools will appear in the Preferences or Administration menu.

For more information on installing new programs on Ubuntu, see Installing Software.

Where To Put Your Files

Personal Files

Put your documents, photos, music, settings, and other personal files in your home directory. This is the default location to save files.

Click PlacesHome Folder to view your Home directory. It may also be referred to as /home/ Your User Name .

Applications also store your personal settings in your Home directory.

The rest of the System

In Windows, each hard drive, CD drive, floppy drive and remove device is given a letter, like C:, D:, or A:

In Linux, one hard disk partition is marked as 'root', or '/'. Things like CDs, DVDs, Floppies, and Network Shares are attached (or 'mounted') to particular folders:

  • CD or DVDs, when inserted, appear in /media/cdrom. You can see this in the file manager by clicking either Places -> CDROM or the shortcut that appears on the desktop.
  • USB sticks, cameras and most portable media players have their own directory under /media, for example /media/iPod. You can see this in the file manager by clicking either Places -> iPod or by clicking the shortcut that appears on the desktop.

When you're finished with a removable drive select Unmount volume or Eject, depending on what type of drive it is. This may take a few seconds.

As well as these folder names meaning something more than 'C:' or 'D:', this makes it easier to add storage. Run out of hard drive space? Move your files onto a portable USB drive, then mount that drive into your home folder. Your apps won't know the difference, because the files appear in the same folder - even though that folder is on a new hard disk.

Hardware support

Most people use Windows, so most hardware manufacturers release drivers for Windows. Currently less people use Linux, so not every manufacturer will release Linux drivers. This is slowly changing as more people use Linux, but there are still a few devices that are unsupported by their manufacturers in Linux.

In general:

  • Most hardware, particularly popular devices from well-known manufacturers, works out of the box.
  • Some hardware requires a little work to set up.
  • There are only a few types of devices which don't work at all. You can get alternative hardware that will be supported if you're really stuck.

The following devices can be a problem:

If you do get problems, what should you do? Well, you can try these:

  1. Check for your device in the Ubuntu Hardware Support list
  2. Check to see if the device's manufacturer does provide a Linux driver
  3. Search for "<devicename> linux driver" on Google to see if someone knows how to get your device working
  4. Ask someone on the forums if they have any ideas - see GettingHelpInForums for more information
  5. File a bug requesting support for this device
  6. E-mail the manufacturer to ask for a Linux driver, or the source code of their Windows driver
  7. Create a driver for the device yourself
  8. Buy alternative, supported hardware from a manufacturer that supports Linux
  9. Use a 'dual-boot' set-up and switch between Windows and Ubuntu

If you get to number 6, it's very unlikely that you will get your device working, so it is normally best to skip to 8. We don't expect you to create your own driver! We wish we could support all the hardware in the world, but it just isn't possible, so if you do end up having to buy alternative hardware, consider telling your manufacturer they have lost a customer due to poor Linux support! That way, they just might change their attitude towards supporting Linux.


Linux, including Ubuntu, is generally considered more secure than Windows. The chances of getting a virus, adware, spyware, or malware is greatly reduced.

  • Linux asks users to enter their password before doing anything that could be harmful (recently, Windows Vista also does this).
  • Software updates in general can be installed without restarting the entire computer, making them more convenient to install.
  • Web-browsers such as Firefox come with privacy options by default.
  • Less people use Linux than Windows (though that does not explain why there are hundreds of thousands of viruses for Windows, and a handful for Linux).

Ubuntu comes with a firewall (not active by default). To configure it, you could install the Firestarter package (see InstallingSoftware), or use the iptables command.

The Terminal

A terminal is just another way of using the computer. Instead of clicking icons using a mouse, you can type commands and have Ubuntu carry them out directly. Terminals are seen as an advanced way of operating a computer and tend to be used very rarely on Windows (where it is called the Command Prompt). However, Ubuntu's terminal is very powerful and can be used to accomplish many useful tasks. Click ApplicationsAccessoriesTerminal to start it.

While beginners may want to steer clear of the Terminal altogether, it can be handy for users to have some basic knowledge of terminal commands. Often, help guides will ask you to type a command into a terminal, so it can be a useful tool even if you don't use it for day-to-day tasks. See [BasicCommands Basic Commands] for more information.

Transferring your files and settings from Windows

Ubuntu 7.04 contains a number of new features for people switching from Windows.

  • The Migration Assistant, for transfer files and settings from Windows, for each Windows user
    • Documents Folder
    • Music
    • Images
    • Favorites
    • Desktop Background

See the Official Documentation for more information.

A guide to migrating data from common Windows applications can be found at [SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows/TransferringFilesAndSettings Transferring Files and Settings].

Playing Your Audio and Video Files

Ubuntu can play most common sound and video files used in Windows, including:

  • DVDs
  • WMA music files
  • AAC music files
  • WMV and Quicktime videos
  • RAW images from some digital camera manufacturers

For more information, see Restricted Formats.

Accessing your Ubuntu Files from Windows

You can access files in Ubuntu from within Windows, using FS-Driver.

Accessing Windows files from Ubuntu over a network

Ubuntu can connect to Windows network shares, so if you have installed Ubuntu onto a machine connected to a Windows network, it is possible to copy your files off another computer on the network and onto your Ubuntu computer.

For most Windows networks, all you have to do is ensure that you are connected to the network and click PlacesNetwork Servers and navigate to the computer on which the files are stored, entering your Windows username and password if prompted.

If you have a more advanced Windows network, see SettingUpSamba for more information on how to connect to it.

Making Ubuntu feel more like Windows

Ubuntu has its own style and its own way of working. But we appreciate that you might initially feel more comfortable in Windows, so there are a few ways of getting a Windows 'look and feel' from within Ubuntu.


These instructions apply specifically to the plain Ubuntu desktop version of Ubuntu, which uses the GNOME desktop environment.

Taskbar panel settings

You can set-up the desktop panels of Ubuntu in a similar way to the Windows taskbar.

There are panels at the top and bottom of the screen, which we can adjust so that they are similar to the default Windows layout.

  1. Click and hold on the bottom panel and move it to the right or left side of the screen.
  2. Click and hold on the top panel and move it to the bottom of the screen. (This is considered the main panel)
  3. You can now move the original bottom panel anywhere, or even delete it if you desire. Just right click on it and choose an option.
  4. The various utilities that live on the panel are called applets, and can be added by right clicking in an empty area of panel and choosing Add To Panel. You will be presented with several options, and ones which may interest Windows users are the Window List (a bar containing buttons for each open window, minimized or not), the Main Menu (which is like the default menu system, but combines Applications, Places and System into one button), the Notification Area (which is a system tray) and of course the Clock. To emulate a "quick launch area" you can simply drag applications from the Applications menu onto the panel. Changing applets (like moving them) is either done by right clicking on the applet, or an empty looking area to the left of the applet called it's handle, depending on which applet you want to mess with. Of course you can customize the panels any way you like, and even nest panels inside each other using the Drawer applet.

On the bottom desktop panel there are 4 small squares, called the Workspace Switcher. This is something new to Windows users but a very handy feature; each square button will open a different desktop with empty panel space (if you like the idea of Mac OS X's Spaces then you will be glad to know that Ubuntu and other Linux systems have been using them for years). This arrangement lets you manage several desktops (or 'workspaces') at once. For example, if you open graphics-related windows on one workspace and office-related windows on another, they are separated. You can work on each workspace without worrying about the applications from the other cluttering up the panel on that particular desktop. This way you can group applications and keep things out of the way while you're working on something else.

Desktop view

Ubuntu's desktop by default is empty, but if you want add items to it then you can drag and drop folders and application shortcuts onto it to quickly access them. To have desktop icons similar to your Windows environment, follow this procedure:

  1. Click Places on the top panel and drag the Computer icon into an empty space on the desktop. This is equivalent to the My Computer folder found on Windows, and can be used to access your storage devices.
  1. You can also drag the Home folder onto the desktop - this is equivalent to My Documents on Windows.
  1. The Recycle Bin on Windows is equivalent to the Trash folder on Ubuntu. There is a location on the original bottom panel where it is placed by default. If you prefer it on your desktop, click ApplicationsSystem ToolsConfiguration Editor (on older version of Ubuntu, hit Ctrl F2 and type gconf-editor). In there look under apps then nautilus then desktop, and click trash_icon_visible. The changes are applied immediately so you can just quit the application.

Start menu

The Ubuntu logo on the main taskbar panel is similar to the Start button of your Windows environment. One noticeable difference is that Windows gives you just one button from which you must choose all options, whereas in Ubuntu there are three categories, called Applications, Places and System. Applications contains a categorized list of currently installed applications, Places contains links to common locations and recently used files and System contains preferences, help and power options.

If you would prefer to use something more like the Windows Start menu, install the gnome-main-menu' package (see [InstallingSoftware Installing Software]). You can add the GNOME main menu by right-clicking the top desktop panel, selecting Add to Panel... and dragging Main Menu (the one with the computer icon) to a location on the panel.

'Run' dialog

In Windows there is an option called 'Run...' on the Start menu, which allows you to run applications by typing their name. Ubuntu has a more powerful alternative, called the Run Application dialog. You can access this by pressing <Alt> and <F2> on your keyboard at the same time.


On the top panel, near to the main menus, there is space for a quick-launch section where there should already be several quick-launch links (called launchers) such as Firefox, Evolution mail and Help. You can add your favorite applications to this area by dragging their icons next to the current icons in that area, or by right-clicking a blank part of the top panel, selecting Add to panel... and clicking the Application Launcher... button.

Fonts from Windows

Ubuntu includes high-quality alternatives to common Windows fonts. However, these alternatives are not identical so your existing documents may not look exactly the same under Ubuntu.

You can use the most common Windows fonts by installing the msttcorefonts package - see [InstallingSoftware Installing Software]. The new fonts will be immediately available

Making Firefox Autoselect Text in the Address Bar

Under Windows, clicking on the address bar in Firefox automatically selects the entire text. By default Firefox running under Ubuntu does not. To achieve the same functionality in Ubuntu follow these steps.

  1. In the address bar, type `about:config <return>`
  2. In the filter text field, type `browser.urlbar.clickSelectsAll`
  3. Set this value to, `true`
  4. Restart Firefox

Running Windows applications in Ubuntu

It is possible to run Windows applications on Ubuntu with the help of some additional software. There are two main approaches to this - installing a Windows compatibility-layer to run the programs from Ubuntu itself, or to install Windows on a virtual machine.

The compatibility-layer option is the simplest to set up, is completely open-source and allows easy access to your files in Ubuntu. However, not all Windows programs are supported and you may find that some applications are unstable with this method. This compatibility layer is called Wine and is available in Ubuntu as the wine package in the universe software channel. See UbuntuHelp:Wine for more information.

Commercial extensions to WINE are available, such as CrossOver Office and Cedega, which make it possible to run some applications which don't run with WINE. CrossOver Office focuses on business applications and Cedega focuses on games.

The virtualization option requires a full installation of Windows to be made on a virtual machine, which requires a licensed Windows install CD. As such, this option is more costly, but will guarantee Windows compatibility for applications. VMWare offers a freely downloadable virtual machine product which you can use for this. See UbuntuHelp:VMware for more information.

You are Involved!

Ubuntu is different to Windows in a very important way - we listen to and use our users' input to a massive extent. Remember that Ubuntu is a community project, you are part of the community and we want you to have your say.

When you first start using Ubuntu you can go online and find help from others. Later, you may feel like contributing back by helping others in Ubuntu chat rooms, editing wiki pages like this one (made by people just like you), contributing artwork, reporting bugs, or writing software for the next version of Ubuntu.

If something goes wrong, such as something not working, an unexpected error, weird behavior, some nonsensical text or just a missing feature, please file a bug report. You can find out how to do this on the ReportingBugs page.

Additional Information

Discovering things

We cannot possibly cover all of the differences you will encounter, so how can you go about finding out how things work for yourself? Here are a few tips:

  • Right-click everything - right-click anything you do not understand. Click some options, have a play with it. You will soon get used to the way things work.
  • Help yourself - practically every application has a 'Help' menu. Click that and have a quick read through the documentation, you might just find exactly what you are looking for.
  • Do not be afraid to ask - if you do not understand something or you cannot seem to find a feature which you had in Windows, ask on the forums or IRC! Someone will help, and while it might take a little bit of time for them to reply, someone will generally be able to help.
  • Your password is needed to change the system - you cannot damage your system unless you are asked for your password. Whilst you are playing with all of the options you may be left with messed up settings for your user, but the core system will still be fine and if the worst comes to the worst then you could even make a new user account for yourself (However, Ubuntu will remember when you type your password for about 15 minutes and won't bother asking again, so don't mess around immediately after doing something to the system).

Additional Guides and Resources

  • [SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows/TransferringFilesAndSettings Transferring Files and Settings].
  • Practical guide written by an Ubuntu user who recently switched
  • Windows back-up Application for backing-up your data
  • Guide on backing-up Linux-based systems such as Ubuntu