
Wikibot留言 | 贡献2010年5月19日 (三) 17:01的版本

{{#ifexist: :CommonQuestions/zh | | {{#ifexist: CommonQuestions/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:CommonQuestions|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:CommonQuestions|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

  1. title Common Questions

<<Anchor(Top)>> Below is a selection of common questions with answers that may help you if you are new to Ubuntu. Choose a topic from the table of contents or search this page by pressing Ctrl+F in your browser and entering a search term.

About Ubuntu

Ubuntu and Debian?

What is the relationship between Ubuntu and Debian? Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship, and consider reading some of the Mark Shuttleworth wiki page for more information.


Who or what is Canonical? Canonical is a private company founded by Mark Shuttleworth for the promotion of Ubuntu and other free software projects. See also [[1]]

Ubuntu Derivatives

Are the derivatives forks of Ubuntu? No, they are all official Ubuntu releases. The Supported Derivatives are supported by both [[2]] and the [community.] Moreover, all Recognized Derivatives use the official Ubuntu package archives. A conversion from Ubuntu to any or all of the derivatives can be accomplished by installing the associated desktop package e.g. `ubuntustudio-desktop`. However, rolling back to the default Ubuntu desktop after such a conversion can be a difficult task. Recommended: CD/DVD iso images are also available for individual testing/installation from [[3]] and all good mirrors. Refer the the official Ubuntu [[4]] page for further information.

Supported Derivatives

The following projects are supported by both [[5]] and the [community.] [[6]] uses the Ubuntu base and the KDE Desktop Environment; it combines ease of use, contemporary functionality, and outstanding graphical design. [[7]] provides a customized school environment with an Ubuntu base; though it uses the GNOME desktop environment, it includes applications from both GNOME and KDE by default.

Recognized Derivatives

The following Recognized Derivatives are supported by the [community.] [[8]] uses the Ubuntu base and the [[9]] desktop environment; Xfce is typically a more lightweight desktop environment, and is thus also more suitable for lower-end systems. [Studio] provides an enhanced GNU/Linux application suite for the processing of audio, video and graphics. [[10]] provides a customized Ubuntu version designed for creating a home theatre/MythTV based PVR system for you PC.

Ubuntu Releases and Version Numbers

What is the numbering system of the releases about? What is the next release of Ubuntu? The version number comes from the year and month of the release; the version names are made by Mark Shuttleworth. LTS stands for Long Term Support; these versions of Ubuntu are supported for longer than usual - 3 years on the desktop and 5 years on the server. If you are unsure of the version you are using, go to System > Administration > System Monitor, and go to the System tab or open a terminal and type:

~$ lsb_release -a

Development (future) releases

Version Code name Release date End of life date
Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat October 2010 April 2012


Version Code name Release date End of life date
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid Lynx [29 2010] April 2013 (Desktop)<
>April 2015 (Server)
Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala [29 2009] April 2011
Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope [24 2009] October 2010
Ubuntu 8.04.3 LTS<
>~-Maintenance release-~
4>Hardy Heron [16 2009] 4>April 2011 (Desktop)<
>April 2013 (Server)
Ubuntu 8.04.2 LTS<
>~-Maintenance release-~
[22 2009]
Ubuntu 8.04.1 LTS<
>~-Maintenance release-~
[3 2008]
Ubuntu 8.04 LTS [24 2008]
Ubuntu 6.06.2 LTS<
>~-Maintenance release-~
3>Dapper Drake [21 2008] 3>June 2009 (Desktop)<
>June 2011 (Server)
Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS<
>~-Maintenance release-~
[10 2006]<
> [16 2006] ~-Sun UltraSPARC-~
Ubuntu 6.06 LTS [1 2006]<
>[16 2006] ~-Sun SPARC64-~

Release announcements are posted on the [mailing list].

End of Life (EOL)

Version Code name Release date End of life date
Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex [30 2008] [2010]
Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon [18 2007] [2009]
Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn [19 2007] [2008]
Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy Eft [26 2006] [2008]
Ubuntu 5.10 Breezy Badger [12 2005] [2007]
Ubuntu 5.04 Hoary Hedgehog [8 2005] [2006]
Ubuntu 4.10 Warty Warthog [26 2004] [2006]

[[[Top|Back to top]]]

Get Ubuntu

How can I get a copy of Ubuntu? Copies of Ubuntu can be obtained by downloading the disc images directly from an Internet mirror and via BitTorrents. Orders for delivery can be placed in case of slow Internet connection or bulk deployment. Install CD's can also be be requested via mail, free of charge. Be aware the requested discs can take as long as 6-8 weeks to arrive at there destination. Ubuntu and Kubuntu uses see [[11]] and [[12]] respectively. Xubuntu users refer the the [[13]] home page. Edubuntu uses must request a standard Ubuntu install CD and download from the Internet the `Edubuntu-desktop` package to complete an installation. What is an md5sum check? To verify the integrity of the install media, to ensure all is as it should be, one has the option to compare md5sum hashes. See here for instructions on md5sum checks. What is the difference between the Desktop and the Alternate installation? The Desktop install CD image contains a graphical installer as well as a live session of Ubuntu, that runs directly off your computer memory and the install media without installing anything to hard-disk. Using the live session installer you have the opportunity to begin using Ubuntu immediately, get an idea of system performance and install if and when ready. The Alternate CD has an old style, lightweight text-based installer with no Live session available. It also provides you with extra options and configurations not offered by the desktop versions. What do the DVD images contain? The Ubuntu DVD is a conjugation of the Alternate and the Desktop CD. At the boot prompt, you can select to either go into the Live session with a graphical install, or do the old classical install.

Install Ubuntu

What methods of installation are there? Refer to the Ubuntu Community Installation page for complete guides and instructions on different methods of installation. [[[Top|Back to top]]]

Using Ubuntu

Installing software

How do I install things on Ubuntu? Why shouldn't I compile? Why does ./configure give errors? For the vast majority of applications that you will ever use, you should never need to compile them. Ubuntu provides over 20,000 packages in all of its repositories. Please see the SoftwareManagement (and, specifically the InstallingSoftware sub-category) page for instructions on how to gain those packages, and the CompilingSoftware if you are convinced (after viewing the previous page) that you do indeed need to compile. See: Free Software Alternatives.

Repositories and sources.list

What is a repository? What is the sources.list file? Repositories are particular locations on the web which contain the thousands of packages (each containing programs, applications, etc) that you would need on your computer. The sources.list file contains the list of all the repositories that will be used to download packages in Synaptic (see SynapticHowto) and APT (see APTPage); it is located in /etc/apt/. Since /etc is the directory for system-wide configurations, you will require root privileges to edit it (see RootSudo). For a full walk-through on how to add extra repositories please see AddingRepositoriesHowto. For an explanation on the methodology between the different repository components (main, universe etc) please see http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components. Can I browse and search the Ubuntu repositories? You can access the source code of all Ubuntu packages, as well as view which ones are available for a particular release of Ubuntu at http://packages.ubuntu.com.


How can I upgrade to the latest version of Ubuntu?

  • See UpgradeNotes.
  • Skipping a release while trying to upgrade (e.g. trying to upgrade to Dapper from Hoary, or from Warty (Ubuntu 4.10) to Breezy), is not supported, except for LTS -> LTS upgrades (eg. Dapper to Hardy).

Administration: Root vs Sudo

I didn't set a root password, what is it? What is sudo? Ubuntu uses the sudo model for administrator and user actions, in contrast to the traditional user/root bifurcation. Check out the RootSudo page for all the information.


How can I play MP3/Divx/DVDs/Quicktime/Realmedia files or view Flash/Java web pages? See the RestrictedFormats page.

Meta-packages: ubuntu-desktop

What is a meta-package? Is it safe to remove the ubuntu-desktop package? A meta-package is a package that doesn't contain applications within itself, but simply depends upon particular versions of other packages, so that when it is installed, it drags all of them in too. The package manager uses it to know which particular packages to install. For example, the ubuntu-desktop metapackage installs the full GNOME desktop environment, with all the other packages that are in a default Ubuntu install. The existence of meta-packages makes it very easy to install other Ubuntu derivatives on your desktop; see below for more information. It is technically just fine to remove a meta-package, if required, and this shouldn't necessarily cause any problems. However, it is strongly recommended that you reinstall that package if you decide to manually upgrade to another version of Ubuntu. The package manager requires those packages to be installed for it to successfully perform the upgrade.

Updating programs

A new version of a package I want has been released, but it's not in the repositories. How can I get it? The stable versions of Ubuntu will only get security updates. This means no new versions of packages. The current development version will get updates until 2 months before release. The last two months are spent solely on improving stability. You may however, be able to find the new package in backports or in 3rd party repositories. Details can be found at UbuntuBackports.


Where can I find out more information on Xgl/Compiz? Can I install Xgl/Compiz on Ubuntu? Please see CompositeManager for more information and installation instructions.

Problems Booting Ubuntu

I installed Windows (or another Operating System) and now I can't get into Ubuntu! See the RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows page. [[[Top|Back to top]]]


Supported Hardware

What hardware is supported/works on Ubuntu? See HardwareSupport.

Other Partitions

How can I view my Windows/Mac partitions from Ubuntu? Please see AutomaticallyMountPartitions.


How can I get my wireless set up on Ubuntu? Check Ubuntu:HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards first. If your card is not supported out-of-the-box, then consider reading the WifiDocs for guides.

Screen Resolution

The resolution of my monitor was not detected appropriately, what should I do? See the FixVideoResolutionHowto page.

AMD64 Processors

I have an AMD64 processor, should I install the i386 ISO or the amd64 one? What are the drawbacks of having an amd64 install? AMD64 is an officially supported architecture with its respective ISO for Ubuntu and all major Ubuntu derivatives. By installing the amd64 ISO, rather than the i386 (32-bit) ISO, there will be some enhancement in performance. The drawbacks are that Ubuntu, with APT (the package manager for Ubuntu), currently does not support Bi``Arch, which means you likely won't be able to install and run 32bit packages automatically with programs like apt-get, aptitude, and Synaptic on your AMD64 install. This is a problem for users who wish to use some application that is only available for 32-bit. These are rare but do exist. There are possible methods of getting it running, but they involve either copying in the files manually or creating a chroot (see DebootstrapChroot), for example.

Video Cards

How do I setup my video card? Please see the Video page How do I install ATI/nVidia drivers for my video card? Please see the BinaryDriverHowto page. [[[Top|Back to top]]]

The Ubuntu Community

Getting More Help

Where can I get support from?

Reporting Bugs

I think I found a bug, where can I report it? The Ubuntu bugtracker is at http://www.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs.

Contributing to Ubuntu

How can I contribute to Ubuntu? Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate, Ubuntu:HelpingUbuntu or Ubuntu:EasyWaysToHelpUbuntu. [[[Top|Back to top]]]