
Wikibot留言 | 贡献2009年5月18日 (一) 18:01的版本

{{#ifexist: :UbuntuLTSP/OpenClipart/zh | | {{#ifexist: UbuntuLTSP/OpenClipart/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:UbuntuLTSP/OpenClipart|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:UbuntuLTSP/OpenClipart|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

This page is specific to Ubuntu versions 8.04 (most likely version independent)

If you find this information applicable to additional versions/releases, please edit this page and modify this header to reflect that. Please also include any necessary modifications for this information to apply to the additional versions.

OpenClipart is a great, free and open-source clipart collection that is easy to install on Ubuntu for all users to enjoy. Simply perform the following steps in a shell:

sudo apt-get install openclipart*

Removing specific openclipart images

In some specific environments it might be desired to remove specific clipart images from these packages. An example would be removing clipart images deemed inappropriate in an educational or religious environment. It is fairly trivial to do this, although when upgrading to new versions of the openclipart* packages, they might be replaced. If there is an easier/safer way to accomplish this goal, please feel free to edit and document said methods. To remove specific images from the clipart gallery,

  • Start Open Office as with superuser (root) privileges:
gksudo openoffice
  • Enter your user password when prompted.
  • Click on the icon to start a new document.
  • Go to "Tools -> Gallery" to open the clipart gallery.
  • Navigate to the clipart image you want to remove. Right-click on it and select "Delete". The "Delete" option is only available when running Open Office with superuser privileges.

Installing more fonts

Along with clipart, many requests come in to add fonts to OpenOffice. This is very easy.

  • The following font packages add fonts to X, giving access to OOo and other applications. If there are more out there, please list them as well in the code:
apt-get install msttcorefonts ttf-liberation ttf-dejavu

Configuring default "Save As" format for all users

I was recently asked to change the default "Save As" format for OpenOffice to Microsoft Office formats for all users on my LTSP systems, to "ease the transition" between MS Office and OOo at the school district I work for. Here's how you can do it too, if you wish:

  • Under the /usr/lib/openoffice/share/registry/modules/org/openoffice/Setup directory, search for instances of ooSetupFactoryDefaultFilter in the following files that correspond to their applications and modify them to reflect the desired format:
  • Setup-writer.xcu (OOo Writer)
  • Setup-calc.xcu (OOo Spreadsheet)
  • Setup-impress.xcu (OOo Presentation)
  • Setup-base.xcu (OOo Database)
  • EXAMPLE: If you want to change the defaults to Microsoft Word 97/2000/XP in OOo Writer, change:
        <prop oor:name="ooSetupFactoryDefaultFilter">


        <prop oor:name="ooSetupFactoryDefaultFilter">
          <value>MS Word 97</value>
  • You'll want to find out the syntax of each format before modifying. You can do this by modifying the 'Save As' default in OOo Preferences for your user, and looking in your ~/.openoffice.org2 configuration files to see what the syntax for the .xcu file is. Afterwards, you'll also want to remove users' ~/.openoffice.org2 config directories, to pull the defaults from the files we modified above.