
Wikibot留言 | 贡献2008年12月16日 (二) 20:14的版本

{{#ifexist: :SynapticsTouchpad/zh | | {{#ifexist: SynapticsTouchpad/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:SynapticsTouchpad|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:SynapticsTouchpad|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

  1. title Synaptics Touchpad

On most laptops, a touchpad is the input device used as a substitute for a computer mouse. The term "Synaptics Touchpad" should not be confused with "Synaptic", Ubuntu's Package Manager. For Ubuntu 8.04 and earlier, see the older instructions. <<Anchor(gui)>>

Basic Configuration with a Graphical Interface

Ubuntu provides configuration of the most common touchpad options in System > Preferences > Mouse, under the Touchpad tab.

Advanced Configuration with a Graphical Interface

This sections describes how to install a GUI configuration tool for your Synaptics touchpad which integrates into your desktop environment. Other methods of configuring the touchpad include using [[UbuntuHelp:[synclient|synclient]]] on the command line, or by [[UbuntuHelp:[hal|adding options]]] to HAL fdi files. <<Anchor(gsynaptics)>>


  • [[UbuntuHelp:[shmconfig|Enable SHMConfig]]].
  • For a preference tool which integrates into the GNOME Desktop environment, install the gsynaptics package from the universe repository. For help with installing packages see InstallingSoftware.

After installation, gsynaptics can be found under System > Preferences > Touchpad. <<Anchor(ksynaptics)>>


  • [[UbuntuHelp:[shmconfig|Enable SHMConfig]]].
  • For a preference tool which integrates into the KDE desktop environment, install the ksynaptics package from the universe repository. For help with installing packages see InstallingSoftware.

After installation, ksynaptics can be found in the KDE Control Center. <<Anchor(qsynaptics)>>

Xubuntu and others

  • [[UbuntuHelp:[shmconfig|Enable SHMConfig]]].
  • For users of Xfce or anything else besides GNOME or KDE, install the qsynaptics package from the universe repository. For help with installing packages see InstallingSoftware.


Disabling the Touchpad Temporarily While Typing

To avoid accidental mouse movement while typing, syndaemon can be used to monitor the keyboard activity and disable the touchpad for a period of time after the last keystroke. If syndaemon doesn't work properly out of the box, try [[UbuntuHelp:[shmconfig|enabling SHMConfig]]], and force syndaemon to use it by passing the -S option. The following commands should be typed in a terminal. The -d option causes syndaemon to run in the background, so the terminal can be closed after executing the command.

syndaemon -d

The -t option causes syndaemon to only disable tapping and scrolling, not mouse movements:

syndaemon -d -t

By default syndaemon disables the touchpad for 2 seconds after the last keyboard activity. To specify a different timeout, use the -i option. For example, a timeout of 1 second:

syndaemon -d -i 1

To make syndaemon start up each time you login, add the desired command to the list of Startup Programs in System > Preferences > Sessions. See AddingProgramToSessionStartup. <<Anchor(shmconfig)>>

Enabling SHMConfig

Note: Tools such as xinput and syndaemon can now alter touchpad settings without needing SHMConfig to be enabled. However, SHMConfig is still required for some functionality. In order for tools such as [[UbuntuHelp:[synclient|synclient]]], [[UbuntuHelp:[syndaemon|syndaemon]]], [[UbuntuHelp:[gsynaptics|gsynaptics]]], [[UbuntuHelp:[ksynaptics|ksynaptics]]], and [[UbuntuHelp:[qsynaptics|qsynaptics]]] to work, they need access to the synaptics touchpad driver shared memory. This is done by enabling SHMConfig "on" in the X server Synaptics touchpad configuration. With this enabled, these tools can modify the run-time configuration of the touchpad input driver without restarting the X server. /!\ Note the warning from the man page for synclient:

WARNING: This is not secure if you are in an untrusted multiuser
         environment. All local users can change the parameters at any time.

If this is an issue for you, the touchpad can be configured without enabling SHMConfig by placing the desired options in [[UbuntuHelp:[hal|a HAL fdi file]]] and rebooting. In a terminal type:

gksudo gedit /etc/hal/fdi/policy/shmconfig.fdi

Put this into the file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<deviceinfo version="0.2">
  <match key="input.x11_driver" string="synaptics">
   <merge key="input.x11_options.SHMConfig" type="string">True</merge>

Save and close that file, reboot, and SHMConfig should be enabled. <<Anchor(synclient)>>

Configuration with synclient

synclient can be used to adjust touchpad settings from the command line. This will work even if a [[UbuntuHelp:[gui|GUI Preference tool]]] is installed. Enable SHMConfig as described in the section [[UbuntuHelp:[shmconfig|Enabling SHMConfig]]]. List all settings:

synclient -l


Turn touchpad off:

synclient TouchpadOff=1

Turn touchpad on:

synclient TouchpadOff=0


Configuration with HAL fdi files

Touchpad options can be set permanently through HAL. See the|HAL input section of the X config documentation for details. <<Anchor(troubleshooting)>>


Determine whether a touchpad has been detected

To check if a touchpad has been detected open a terminal and check the input device list given by this command:

xinput list

If one of the lines mentions a touchpad (perhaps also "Synaptics" or "ALPS"), your touchpad has been detected. If not, see the|other touchpad debugging pages.

Specific Hardware

Apple iBook G4

See also