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Please place new content at the bottom. How to get your Smartlink internal modem to work in Ubuntu/Kubuntu Hoary 5.04 Last updated: 2005/08/30 by Matchless Please PM me for any corrections changes, additions. Please note that just about any external modem plugged into your serial port will work without installing drivers and only setting up your dialler, wvdial or ppconfig for pon and poff, ports ttyS0, ttyS1, ttyS2 and ttyS4 is used. Also if you do not want much bother, do not even read further, buy an external modem with a serial port and you will be OK. Installing an internal modem is another kettle of fish and even if getting it to work finally, is not any guarentee, as it could be unstable and stop working as you install and uninstall other applications. I have not been able to install an internal modem on a "Kubuntu only" installation, without the Gnome (Ubuntu desktop installed as well). I have also found that the process below does not work on Ubuntu unless the latest updates have been downloaded and installed from the repositories. The best solution is to rather go external. If you really want to go internal or have an internal modem already in a laptop please read on. I also suggest that you install Ubuntu and then just add the Kubuntu desktop if you prefer using Kubuntu. As far as I could determine is that the Smartlink modem does only work on an updated Ubuntu (Gnome) installation. It does not seem to work on the installation straight of the distribution CD or on a Kubuntu only installation. If you have both Kubuntu and Ubuntu installed together you can use it from Kubuntu, but will find it actually uses the Ubuntu menu items. Thus Kppp will not work, Gnome-ppp will work even from Kubuntu and do not forget to do a smart update of the whole installation, otherwise it will not work on Ubuntu either. Anyone is welcome to disprove this as I only tested it a few times with a new clean install. The following documentation has been taken from various sources and credits to all please. The idea was to try and get something together to help a new ubuntu user get on the internet, so he/she can start working with ubuntu asap. Please read through all of the documentation below before starting as the shortcut further on may be all you need to do. Some of the modem types that are supported by Linux are Smartlink, Connexant (linux driver must be purchased seperately to get above 14400 speed), PCTel, Broadcom, Intel536, SIS, Lucent /AgereSystems, IBM, Motorola and this means only some models and in some cases limited support (some functions not working or limited to certain type of installations etc.) At the moment Smartlink has good support, but you have to generate your own driver and it is quite a complex task, that takes a bit of time. Various modem suppliers supply other name branded products with Smartlink chipsets, such as LG, Netodragon etc. Read the scanModem documentation to see exactly which modem you have. If you want the shortcut methd, just scroll down to A shortcut for installing Smartlink internal modem drivers. Then use wvdial to test your modem and ISP access. Finally set up and configure your favourite dialler. The first step is to physically install the modem and then download, install and run scanModem if you are not sure whether your modem is a Smartlink: Also look at ModemData at www.linmodems.org http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/packages/scanModem.gz Download scanModem and put in a folder on your desktop i.e. scanmodem cd home/xxxx/Desktop/scanmodem gunzip scanModem.gz chmod +x scanModem sudo ./scanModem cd /Modem ls General.txt ModemData.txt SoftModem.txt UNSUBSCRIBE.txt etc. will be generated into the /Modem folder cat ModemData.txt A) Modem drivers to be generated and installed (not for the faint hearted) If scanModem says anything about SmartLink modem drivers, then you have to download the latest sl-modem source packages: The only drivers that will work on the latest kernel in Ubuntu is the slmodem-2.9.9a.tar.gz and the slmodem-2.9.9a-alsa.tar.gz packages or later from http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/packages/smartlink/ if you try and install older versions you will pick up problems as the new kernel 2.6.10 does not work well with the older drivers. You should also print out all the text files created when scanModem was run as this gives you exact instructions on what to do or not. Without these you will not get your modem going at all. The files are Modemdata.txt, YourModem.txt, rational.txt, DriverCompiling.txt, SoftModem.txt, Slmodem.txt, Slmodem-Alsa.txt, ModemTesting.txt and InfoGeneral.txt. Once you have read through all these you will have a better understanding around Linux and modem drivers and also how to install and test them properly. I cannot really give them here exactly as a few of the reports are generated with relation to your PC, version of Linux, and type of modem card installed. 1. Check with Synaptic that gcc v3 or higher compiler is installed, this should be already installed on Ubuntu 5.04, if not do it. It is not installed with Kubuntu. But seems to install with Ubuntu. 2. Check on ModemData.txt file from scanModem. It may tell you that your Kernel-header resources that are needed for compiling is not manifestly ready.

uname –r (in the console should confirm that your PC has 2.6.10-5-386) This is easy to fix on Ubuntu and you just use Synaptic to then search for linux-headers-2.6.10-5-386. If the small box is not green, select for installation and apply and install. It will be quicker to install this from the original CD and if Synaptic tries to download this from the repositories, just edit your /etc/apt/sources.list file by commenting out all the repositories and leaving only the install CD enabled. Run reload on Synaptic and select and install the linux headers again and it should load from the CD. It is quite a big file at about 50meg. You can check if the symbolic link was set up by entering the command ls –l /lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/build These folders and files did not exist before and should be there now as proof that the header info was entered. 3. In /lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/build you should see Makefile, open this with a text editer and ensure that the 4th line is EXTRAVERSION = - Change nothing else and save/overwrite. 4. Now copy the kernel-config file to .config (watch for the “.”!) cp /boot/config-2.6.10-5-386 .config If you want to check you handywork go to the .config file and open with a text editor It is in /usr/src/linux-header-2.6.10-5-386/.config folder and you will see a list of code components such as:

  1. Automatically generated make config: don’t edit

CONFIG_X86=y etc. 5. Move in to the directory with Makefile (also has .config)in it cd /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.10-5-386 make clean (This should clean out old remnants from the Makefile) 6. Now your PC is ready and you can start compiling the drivers. Without the proper kernel header info the drivers will never work. 7. You should have downloaded slmodem-2.9.9d.tar.gz and/or slmodem-2.9.9d_alsa.tar.gz or later. (or 2.9.9.a upwards that also works) The latter one includes ALSA audio support for the modem and the installation is a bit more complex. We will only give the non ALSA one here. If you need it, use the Slmodem-ALSA.txt report from scanModem. 8. Use Krusader or your favourite file manager to create a folder called modemsl on your desktop. Copy the file slmodem_2.9.9d.tar.gz into it. Extract it to “here” by right clicking on it. Now open the Makefile file and make sure that the path in it is correct, it should be: KERNEL_DIR: = /lib/modules/2.6.10-5-386/build Correct it and save if required. This is important! 9. On your console, move in to directory to the folder called modemsl with the downloaded and extracted slmodem-2.9.9d files in it cd /home/<your username>/Desktop/modemsl 10. Run ‘make’ command to compile package, watch console screen for succesfull process: make 11. Install as ‘root’ user: sudo make install This will install: - application ‘slmodemd’ in /usr/sbin directory - hardware specific drivers (kernel modules) ‘slamr’ and ‘slusb’ in conventional kernel modules directory - character device nodes ‘/dev/slamr0-3’ for PCI modems and ‘/dev/slusb0-3’ for usb modems 12. Load the modem driver modprobe slamr 13. Check to see if installed dmesg | grep slamr 14. Running the modem daemon /usr/sbin/slmodemd –c SOUTHAFRICA /dev/slamr0 A nice output showing symbolic link /dev/ttySL0 /dev/pts2 etc up to useing Cntl +C to terminate tells you that all is well up to here. Do not close the terminal window as this will switch the slmodemd off. When you want to terminate use Ctrl +c. 15. Now you can seriously start setting up and testing your diallers. Some known ones are, Gnome-ppp, Kppp, wvdial, Minicom, gkdial, masqdialer, dtmfdial, etc. Preferably use wvdial for testing your connection, but configure it first. 16. After starting slmodemd and only while it is running, you have created a PTY (pseudo-terminal) to emulate modem port device and it creates symbolic link /dev/ttySL0 to /dev/modem B) Using wvdial in the console is the best first test: 1. In the console enter sudo wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf This sets up the wvdial dialler for testing and configuring and also creates the /etc/wvdial.conf file 2. Now edit the the /etc/wvdial.conf as follows, adding in your personal information and a line Carrier Check = no. Example of file after editing file below and then saving: [Dialer Defaults] Modem = /dev/ttySL0 Baud = 115200 Init1 = ATZ+gci=f9

  1. +gci=f9 is only entered when your country code is different to USA, replace f9 with your code

Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0

  1. if there is problem with dial tone acquisition, add into the above line:
  2. X3
  3. meaning "dial without waiting"

ISDN = 0 Modem Type = Analog Modem Phone = 0800123456 Username = peterpan

  1. for MSN.net, use instead
  2. Username = MSN/Your_Login_Name

Password = bandylegs

  1. if useing the SmartLink slmodem drivers, uncomment Carrier Check = no:

Carrier Check = no 3. Now try getting on line from the terminal with: sudo wvdial and watch the results in the console screen. sudo fg wvdial. Then Ctrl+c will stop wvdial. 4. If wvdial works you can try configuring kppp dialer and try that, but a script file will be needed to start the modem daemon and stop it so that the console is not needed to be left open. To do this rather install the sl-modem-daemon as shown in the next step by using Synaptic. C) A shortcut for installing Smartlink internal modem drivers uname –r (must give you 2.6.10-5-386, check for proper kernel header) Get modem driver files from below: http://apqi.com/ubuntu/sl-modem-modules-2.6.10-5-386_2.9.9a-1ubuntu2+2.6.10-34_i386.deb http://apqi.com/ubuntu/sl-modem-daemon_2.9.9a-1ubuntu2_i386.deb or http://frankandjacq.com/ubuntuguide/sl-modem-modules-2.6.10-5-386_2.9.9a-1ubuntu2+2.6.10-34_i386.deb Or use Synaptic, for the 2.9.9a version of the daemon that is in the repositories, the driver is unfortunately not. Download the driver and daemon from above and put in a new folder i.e. modemsl on desktop or in your own local repository (remember to update Packages.gz if using your own repo) Install the linux-headers for 2.6.10-5-386 with Synaptic or from your install original CD by commenting out all repositories in your sources.list file except the CD, reload, install select, apply. In the console cd to your folder cd /home/xxxx/Desktop/modemsl Now install driver downloaded: sudo dpkg –i sl-modem-modem-modules-*.deb Next install the modem deamon downloaded: sudo dpkg –i sl-modem-daemon_*.deb If both the sl-modem modules and daemon is in your repository, then just install by using Synaptic Use kppp to do a modem query, to see if it sees that the modem it is installed. If you have problems I have found that going back to Synaptic helps, check that no programs show broken and update or reinstall if shown. Once Synaptic was happy and all the online updates were done the modem driver worked. Even maybe just reinstall both again if something went wrong. You can now use wvdial or pppconfig with pon and poff to login in to ISP. Then also the dialers such as kppp, Gnome-ppp etc, but they all need configuring and the best is first to ensure that wvdial works. Configure and setup wvdial as shown earlier in point (B) D) Using pon and poff You can also use pppconf to setup the 'sudo pon' and 'sudo poff' commands for starting the modem and stopping it. In the console type'sudo pppconfig' Select Create a connection and OK enter Select provider and OK enter etc Carry on and select, Use dynamic DNS, PAP, now type in your ISP username, password, speed 115200, tone dialling, now type in your ISP phone number, enter your modem device as /dev/ttySL0. Next go to Advanced Options and Add-user, type in your ubuntu username here. Go to Return to previous menu, Finished Write files and quit Exit this utility. pon and poff should now work. You will not be too impressed as no indication to the user is generated, but it works! You can set up two icons on your desktop to run pon and poff. There is a lot of info on the forums on how to get kppp and other dialers to work. You can try them, but it seems that most of the experts prefer using wvdial and otherwise have broadband and do not use the modem dialers anymore. E) Configuring Gnome-ppp If you have both Ubuntu and Kubuntu desktops installed, rather use Gnome-ppp and create a desktop icon in Kubuntu. It is easy to configure and setup and works in this way in Kubuntu as well. It is not such a nice dialer as Kubuntu as it lacks a lot of its features, but it is more stable. F) Configuring Kppp to connect to the Internet Kppp can be installed and comes with Kubuntu and is a very nice program with all the features you would like from a dialer. It has a nice window showing that it is connected and gives the duration as well. It can also be configured to calculate your telco connection cost. Please note that it has very extensive documentation included. The problem is that it seems to be very unstable on Kubuntu 5.04. At times it can just stop working after you have installed some other non related software. It works very well, and is theoretically easy to setup, but is difficult to get working and keep working and you may need to read the forum if required. The use of this makes the entire process of connecting to the Internet using a dial up connection very simplified and is easier to understand by the old windows users. This is how to configure kppp to connect to your ISP. Setup : ISP Name : My ISP.net ISP telephone No. : 01234567 My username & password : 'namexxx' and 'passxxx' Procedure : 1. Run Kppp from the K menu or by typing kppp at a shell prompt. You will get a window with a Connect To field along with Login and Password fields. There is also a Setup button. Click on this button and you will get a new

Configuration window. This new window has many tabs.. like Account, Device, Modem... 2. On the 1st tab Accounts , click on New and select Dialog Setup. In the new window that appears titled New Account, type a name for your connection such as My ISP.net.

Add the New Telephone No : 01234567. In the Authentication tab see that PAP is selected (Most ISP uses PAP.. check with yours..) In the IP tab & Gateway tab , no changes are required. In the DNS tab enter the name of your ISP such as My ISP.net in the Domain Name field The Login Script, Accounting and Execute tabs require no changes. 3. Under the modems tab, Add new modem – type in Smartlink 4. Now back to the kppp Configuration window on the 2nd tab, Device select /dev/ttyS1 if your modem is connected to the COM 2 or 3 for a serial modem. Or /dev/ttySL0 or/dev/modem for the Smartlink internal modem. Apparently /dev/modem is prefered for kppp although /dev/ttySLO will also work.

Flowcontrol and Line Termination require no changes, leave at Hardware [CRTSCTS] Line termination CR Select the connection speed. Select 115200 Do not check the Lock File Select a lengthy Modem Timeout.. 100 seconds or more, since some ISPs require more time to get connected. 5. In the 3rd tab Modem, change the modem volume as required.

Check wait for dialtone Set Busy wait to 90 sec If you want to check your modem you can click on the Query Modem button and it should return a lot of results, if your modem is found and is working properly. This is very good way to figure out if Ubuntu has detected your modem and can communicate with it or notand thus indicating that the dialer settings is all that has to be done as modem is working. 6. Under Modem Commands

Init string1 ATZ+gci=f9 (or only ATZ for USA or replace f9 with your own country code) Init string2 ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0 Etc – leave the defaults or change to suit if required 7. The Graph tab requires no changes. 8. In the Miscellaneous tab, increase the pppd timeout to 60 seconds ..so as to allow maximum time in case of any problems.

Also check Minimize Window on Connect to mimic the Windows default behaviour of the Connect Dialog Box. Show Clock should also be checked since it shows the total time elapsed since you connected to the Internet Ensure that the Auto redial on disconnect and Auto redial on No Carrier is unchecked, unless you want to pay for many calls if the dial got into a loop without you noticing. Thats all the configuration that needs to be done.. Click on Ok button and you will come back to the original window. In this select My ISP.net in the Connect To field. Enter your Login ID and Password (namexxx and passxxx ). If you want to see what happens as you connect you can check the Show Log Window, this is usefull the first time around. Finally click on Connect button,kppp will dial and connect to your ISP. Once the connection has been established this window shall minimize and you can open your browser and start browsing. This small window shows the time you have been connected and at what speed and gives a disconnect button. Notes: If you have problems with authentication when connecting to the ISP, go to etc/ppp/options and comment out the auth as follows. Find lines..... ....

  1. authentication for specific peers

auth Change to: .....

  1. authentication for specific peers
  2. auth

And save the file End...

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Ubuntu 64bit Edition Firefox - Fix to random crashes Ok, so alot of users of user have been complaing about the apearently random crashes in firefox under the 64bit version of Ubuntu. Well, thanks to adriyel, we have found the problem and the solution. It seems that flash isn't 64bit clean, so everytime an advertisment or page pops-up containing flash, firefox crashes. For now, this is only a temporary fix, and hopefully soon to come in the next update, this will be obsolete. Until then, here's what you do: 1. Find libflash-mozplugin.so

Should be here: /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflash-mozplugin.so 2. Were going to move that, to a backup folder. So lets mkdir /backup/mozilla.

I made mine on the root of my hd, it doesnt matter where you put yours. 3. Now were going to move the library there.

mv /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflash-mozplugin.so /backup/mozilla 4. Load up firefox.

Everything should be good to go now, but for now, were going to have to deal without flash support. Shouldn't be long until we see an update. Big thanks go out to adriyel on #ubuntu for finding this problem, and finding the work around. Once again, thanks adriyel for finding and fixing this bug. Documented by: ShaneWard