
Wikibot留言 | 贡献2008年10月19日 (日) 16:51的版本

{{#ifexist: :Pidgin/zh | | {{#ifexist: Pidgin/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:Pidgin|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:Pidgin|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

  1. title Pidgin Internet Messenger
{{https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=pidgin.2.png%7D%7D Pidgin is Ubuntu's default instant messaging (IM) client. It works for a wide range of protocols, including MSN Messenger, AIM, Yahoo Messenger, Jabber, IRC, IRQ and Gadu-Gadu.

To start Pidgin, select it from the Internet section of the Applications Menu.


Like all software, Pidgin has its share of bugs. However, you can help to improve Pidgin by reporting any bugs you may find. You can find all the currently reported bugs in the Pidgin bugtracker, which is located here. To report a bug, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to http://developer.pidgin.im
  2. Click "register" and pick a username and password
  3. Back at http://developer.pidgin.im click "New Ticket"
  4. Describe the bug, and mark what type it is. There are several types:
  • defect are problems/bugs in Pidgin
  • enhancement is an idea for how to improve the functionality of Pidgin. This corresponds to the "Wishlist" priority on UbuntuHelp:Launchpad
  • translation is for anything that has to do with a translation of Pidgin. E.g. typos in translations of Pidgin
  • plugin request is pretty self-explationary: Requests for additional functionality in Pidgin that aren't of "general" interest are often better off as plugins than parts of Pidgin itself
  • task is for anything that doesn't belong in any of the other categories
  • Skilled users can also report their own patches using the patches type, but the average user shouldn't need this
  1. In Ticket Properties you should select which part of Pidgin your ticket is about. If you don't understand this, just leave it as unclassified
  2. Now select the version of Pidgin you are using, and optionally write some keywords to make the ticket easier to find, and lastly click Submit ticket.

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