
Oneleaf留言 | 贡献2007年5月24日 (四) 09:35的版本

{{#ifexist: :Ekiga/zh | | {{#ifexist: Ekiga/zh | | {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:Ekiga|1|-1|}} | zh | | }} }} }} {{#ifeq: {{#titleparts:Ekiga|1|-1|}} | zh | | }}

Parent: Internet and Networking

Ekiga is the default Internet telephony application, using SIP and H.323, in Ubuntu. It allows you to make audio and video calls over the Internet to remote users who have hardware or software that is compliant with SIP or H.323. Ekiga is compatible with Windows Messenger and most VoIP applications. However, it is not compatible with Skype or Google Talk. If you have the right SIP provider you can also use Ekiga to make calls to any normal phone line. Ekiga can also work through firewalls with STUN.

The general documentation is there: Ekiga wiki


First use

When you start Ekiga for the first time, a 10 step wizard will help you to correctly configure Ekiga. It is strongly recommended to complete the wizard.

When you're done and if you got an account on http://ekiga.net, you can call the echo test : sip:[email protected]. You'll be able to check if you can reach the service (the SIP network), if your sound setup is ok (you can hear yourself with a delay), if your webcam works (you can see yourself).

How to set up an Ekiga.net account

Once you're registered in http://ekiga.net, go to menu Edit → Accounts → Add

  • Account name: "ekiga.net” or whatever you wish
  • Registrar: ekiga.net
  • User: Your nick choosen on ekiga.net
  • Password: Your password choosen on ekiga.net



Ekiga is able to use a STUN server. In most cases everything should be fine even behind a NAT.


Test your computer

To check if your computer meets the requirements for Ekiga, try this command in a terminal:

$ arecord -D plughw:0,0 -c 1 -r 8000 -f S16_LE - | aplay -D plughw:0,0 -c 1 -r 8000 -f S16_LE -

Now, try to call in your microphone, you should be able to hear yourself in your headset with a small delay (aproximatly half a second). If it doesn't work as expected, first try to configure ALSA:

$ alsamixer

Make sure your microphone is not muted and the volume levels are ok.

Ekiga and other audio applications

Ekiga is capable of running simultaneously with other sound applications (like music and video players). The following directions should be enough to accomplish this if you are using Dapper Drake:

Go to the menu Edit → Preferences → Devices → Audio Devices

  • Select "ALSA" as the audio plugin
  • Select "Default" as output
  • Select "Default" as input

Then go to the menu Edit → Preferences → General → Sound Events

  • Select "Default" as alternate device output

For additional help using Ekiga simultaneously with other audio applications, see Ekiga's wiki.


Note : Ekiga does not require a webcam.

Choosing the right kernel API

The Linux kernel has two ways to communicate with video devices, the old v4l and the new v4l2. It's best to use v4l2, but some drivers only support v4l.

Go to the menu Edit → Preferences → Devices → Video device

  • Try "v4l2” or "v4l” as video plugin
Choosing the right video device

If you have several video devices (like a TV card and a webcam) you will need to tell Ekiga which one to use:

Go to the menu Edit → Preferences → Devices → Video device

Change the channel number until you find the right one.

Test your webcam

To test your webcam you can do this:

There are 6 icons on the left side of the main Ekiga window. Push the 4th button from the top (a grey round webcam). If eveything is ok, you'll see the output of the webcam. If not, you'll see the Ekiga logo bouncing slowly.

Ekiga.net special numbers

Echo service

Once you're registered to http://ekiga.net, you can test your setup and line quality by dialing the echo service: sip:[email protected].

Audio conference server

If you are using 'ekiga.net' as your VoIP provider, you can access a conference server via the aliases

[For example, a group of friends could meet in conference room 1122 by dialing sip:[email protected]]

These rooms are thus semi-public/semi-private since anyone can join a conference room at any time if they choose the right number.

Broadvoice Support

In order to setup Ekiga 2.03 to work with broadvoice, use the following settings.

Figure out which proxy is closest to you:

  1. proxy.lax.broadvoice.com
  1. proxy.dca.broadvoice.com
  1. proxy.mia.broadvoice.com
  1. proxy.atl.broadvoice.com
  1. proxy.chi.broadvoice.com
  1. proxy.bos.broadvoice.com
  1. proxy.nyc.broadvoice.com

Ekiga Preferences:

  • SIP Settings -> Outbound SIP Proxy: proxy.broadvoice.com
  • Codecs -> Video Codecs - Disable (uncheck) video support or else you will get a codec error.

Account Information:

  • Registrar: sip.broadvoice.com
  • User: <10 digit broadvoice telephone number>
  • Password: <obtained requesting it from broadvoice support>
  • Authentication Login: <10 digit broadvoice telephone number>
  • Realm/Domain: sip.broadvoice.com or BroadWorks

In the case where you need to troubleshoot, start ekiga with 'ekiga -d 4'


You'll find here a list of programs which can work with Ekiga.

Development Snapshots


You can get the latest development snapshots from here: [1] Installing them may solve problems you are experiencing but be aware that the snapshots could also cause more problems. A good thing to do before installing snapshots is to uninstall all pwlib, opal and ekiga packages that may already be installed.

Edgy 6.10 Troubleshooting

Ekiga crash on exit

An awfull bug on Edgy (6.10) made Ekiga crash on exit. If you experience "bug buddy" showing up on exit, install this package on your system.

Please, do not send a bug report about this issue. Thank you.

The webcam only shows grey image

Try this.


  • To read the Ekiga Documentation : run Ekiga and press F1 (require yelp)
  • Ekiga website
  • Ekiga FAQ
  • Ekiga wiki
  • Asterisk is a full featured PABX including VoIP facitlies which complement Ekiga's capabilities.

Ekiga needs you: Let's spread Ekiga : volunteers ?


  • Expand a lot more, do screenshots.
  • Link into InternetAndNetworking when there's more content.