


Oneleaf讨论 | 贡献2007年5月14日 (一) 20:21的版本

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fsckdown is a script which, when run, uses fsck to scan your hard drive partitions and then turn off your computer. The advantage of checking your partitions this way is that, assuming you do it regularly, you won't run into the automated check which runs at boot time.


fsckdown was created specifically for Ubuntu 6.06 and 6.10, it is likely to work on other versions, and may even work on other Debian/Gnome distributions.

Click here to download fsckdown.tar.bz2


fsckdown comes packaged in an archive, to set it up, extract the archive and double click the 'install' file, when the following message appears, click on 'Run' then follow the on screen instructions.



To use fsckdown, simply go to the 'System' menu, then 'Administration', and finally click on 'Check Disks and Halt'. Firstly you will be asked to confirm that you want to run fsckdown, then you will be asked if you want your computer to power down when the check is completed, finally you will be asked for your password in order to continue.

Further Information:

A lot of people have been concerned that the automatic (every 30 mounts) boot up disk check may by chance run when the need their computer quickly, especially if it's a laptop. If you know that you're going to need your laptop to boot quickly next time (because you're giving a presentation for example, issue the following command to ensure the check doesn't happen:

sudo touch /fastboot

Note that this only prevents the check for the very next boot.

Feedback, Improvements etc:

fsckdown was created by JonathanMusther and is released under the GNU General Public License, please use it and modify it as you want to. Send feedback to [email protected] or post it below.
