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Ubuntu Education Programme : Planning: Comments

[ purpose of this page ]

Miscellaneous comments and opinions that should be taken into account.

School Teachers

  • Jono Bacon
I think we need to remember that in a lot of schools, teachers often have the responsibilities of keeping their ICT solution maintained. Teachers are also often a driving force in IT decision-making, and we need to harness this relationship in our work. I am  ositive that most of these teachers are more interested in a solid teaching platform than cost savings, so we need to approach this from a TCO and quality-of-education perspective.

Wiki Page Categories

  • Richard Weideman
Do we need a Education category ?

Upcoming Features Documentation

  • 'Richard Weideman
Can we have a bullet list of features expected in the new release. It would be a short user readable list prepared off the Edubuntu specs assigned to Oliver (and approved). It would need some maintenance as the target changed towards freeze time.
Some Ubuntu features would be of benefit to Edubuntu usersas they are inherited. Need to work out how to indentify and handle this.

LTSP Documentation

  • Various
LTSP documentation is a bit lite.
With the LTSP consolidation, we are in a position to revise the documentation and support.

Consider =

  • Edubuntu LTSP being used in:
      • iCafe's
      • Call Centres
      • Hospitals

Edit Notifications

  • Richard Weideman
How is this set up. Philip is notified about some but not all /education page edit updates. 
I would like to be notified as well.


  Consider this as another niche sector for solution space when testing design / concepts
  • linux for icafe:
  <TeePOG> i found a project called openkiosk

[ document details ]

This page is a planning and discussion document for open discussion.

  • Author
  • Editing
    • Please sugest changes to the author via email rather than modifying directly