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Hello and welcome to my Ubuntu wiki page, I'm a member of the New Mexico, USA LOCO. I'm the one that makes all the noise and tries to recruit as many members as possible.


David Thomas
[email protected]
dthomasdigital website
dthomasdigital ubuntu wiki page
dthomasdigital launchpad

How to Contribute

Please Join Team New Mexico Go here for more information Team New Mexico Next Meeting every Thursday at 8:00pm on freenode irc channel #ubuntu-newmexico

My Ubuntu Projects

Here is a list of my current projects for ubuntu.

  • xorg.switcher - Script for choosing between xorg.conf files the link is to full documentation on how to implement.
xorg.switcher open doc
  • Logitech USB Howto - Had a hard time getting my USB Microphone to work here is a step by step Howto
USB Mic Howto open doc

  • Team New Mexico Ubuntu LOCO logo - My first attempt with Inkscape

Ubuntu Wiki Pages I've updated

InternetRelayChat - changed the #ubuntu-newmexico section added team New Mexico web page link


Every Thursday at 8:00pm on Freenode.net IRC #ubuntu-newmexico

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