


Oneleaf讨论 | 贡献2007年5月14日 (一) 16:55的版本

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Fáilte, Wilkommen, Bienvenue, etc

(request your language) Email: [MAILTO][email protected] - Actually, use the PM function.

I am dóm.

I have been using ubuntu for over a year now, since the HH release which I quickly upgraded to BB.

Now I'm using Xubuntu DD (6.06).

I prefer this flavour as my hardware is old.

Things I like about ubuntu include the style, the interfaces, that it follows Debian but is more desktop user friendly (imo and limited experience) and of course the community.

Things I don't like about it are that it doesn't do well with my old graphics card (search on my username and you will find the issue) without some jiggery-pokery and that as of 2006-07-09 the wireless support is insuffient.

[<rant> for e.g. Lack of inbuilt/plug-and-play support for devices even when working drivers are freely available(e.g. zydas devices). Lack of good support for sane security like PSK-TKIP, nobody uses wep anymore. I got all this working after installing the kernel and openssl support, building the zydas driver and building a custom/patched wpa_supplicant, and then manually editing config files. Using a gui would be great and would go a long way toward Ubuntu adoption. But I am sure there are more pressing issues. </rant>]

However, my housemates and partner have been successfully converted to ubuntu/firefox/thunderbird/openoffice. This was after repeated re-installs required for the big commercial. It's a big success. Everything runs swimingly. Minor sore points for them are :

     - lack of decent calendar integrated in thunderbird (they don't like evolution for some reason, but then, neither do i)
     - slow updates with the flash plugin
     - people who write ms-centric websites, (what happened to the days of -standards- people ?)
